Pedagogical Guidelines for Children's Services 0/6

Le Pedagogical guidelines of Children's Services 0/6 they represent the participatory and evolving point of arrival of a reflection that involved all the working groups operating in Milanese nursery schools and nursery schools.

The document intends to enhance the history of services by orienting their development and growth towards the future, in a coherent way and attentive to both the tradition and the innovation that characterize the city of Milan. 

It is a document that invites open reading, because its intent is to promote the potential of all boys and girls who experience the Municipality's educational services, recognizing the richness of the many cultures, different values ​​and parents' expectations and families who represent the fabric of relationships of our educational structures. 

The aim is to represent all the possible complexity in a single defined and recognizable whole: the educational services for children in Milan, a plural city.

The perspective that shapes and is expressed as a compass and guiding thread of the pedagogical guidelines is that of the rights of girls and boys recognized and promoted in educational services as the first experience of active citizenship, with the commitment to guaranteeing a quality that is homogeneous in the whole city, respecting the diversity of the individual social and cultural contexts that characterize it and the diversity that each child bears.

Updated: 18/01/2023