PA Cefalù Vergiate - Implementation Plan

The area affected by the Implementation Plan, equal to approximately 3,5 hectares, is located in the north-west quadrant of the city, along the northern edge of the Gallaratese district and south of the axis of via Gallarate and falls within the territory of competence of the Municipality 8 .
The northern part of the lot currently houses the industrial structures of a former disused dye house, which is flanked on the west side by a water purification plant. The southern portion, on the other hand, is a green area that hosts a significant number of tree species whose valorization is planned within the project.

The intervention involves the overall redevelopment of the intervention area, between via Vergiate and via Cefalù and aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • encourage the recovery of the existing city through the transformation of an already built-up abandoned industrial area, encouraging redevelopment through the creation of two green areas and the construction of a new residential settlement;
  • improve the structure and quality of the city through an increase in the provision of urban greenery and public use within the area, the reshaping of road sections adjacent to the intervention lot, with the inclusion of dedicated cycle roads;
  • enhance the offer of Social Residential Housing.

In particular, the project includes:

  • the demolition of the disused industrial buildings present in the area and the environmental remediation of the liabilities detected; 
  • the construction of new private buildings for the establishment of free residence (50% SL) and social residential housing (50% SL);
  • the transfer of areas for approximately 13.000 mXNUMX, with the creation of a new system of green spaces and the simultaneous maintenance of the existing tree heritage;
  • the reshaping of part of via Castellanza and via Vergiate, with the insertion of a new stretch of cycle path;
  • the creation of a "cycle station" located within the lot;
  • the subservience for public use of approximately 2.000 mXNUMX. of areas designed to guarantee access to the public park from Via Vergiate and north-south/east-west use within the lot.

Initial proposal under investigation

The volumetric plan proposal envisages the positioning of the residential land surfaces in the northern part and along the western edge of the lot. The southern sector will be dedicated to the new park.

An additional green area is planned on the northern source of the lot, overlooking the new volumes.
The project envisages the use of the lot through two axes, the first allows access to the new park in continuation of Via Cefalù, the second develops transversely to Via Vergiate and allows the connection to the first axis.

The planivolumetric distribution of the new buildings is being examined by the Landscape Commission to which various solutions have been proposed with in-line and tower typologies, for heights between a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 15 floors.

Updated: 29/02/2024