Mameli Barracks Viale Suzzani 125 - Implementation Plan

The implementation plan was presented - pursuant to art. 12.4 LR 12/05, in accordance with the provisions of the current PGT. 

The Rules Plan of the PGT Municipality of Milan identifies and regulates the Mameli Barracks, as a mandatory implementation plan pursuant to art. 26 paragraph 8 of the NdA of the PdR, which indicates a Territorial Area of ​​101.490 mXNUMX on which the following are envisaged:  

  • maximum SL 71.043 m0,70 (IT max 35.522), of which: 0,35 m35.522 for urban functions (IT 0,35 m9/mXNUMX); XNUMX mXNUMX for social residential buildings (IT XNUMX mXNUMX/mXNUMX), pursuant to art. XNUMX of the PdR of the Current PGT;  
  • Minimum transfer 50% ST equal to a minimum of 50.745 mXNUMX;  
  • Minimum 30% ST permeable park spaces equal to a minimum of 30.447 mXNUMX. 

To offset urbanization costs, the Plan provides for the implementation of urbanization works on the areas ceded free of charge to the Municipality, of which: 

  • primary urbanization works: creation of the new neighborhood roads, with the related car parks and primary green areas; 
  • secondary urbanization works: creation of a public park of 30.952 m3.067, of a new square of 1 m2, as well as the arrangement of green areas outside the district; furthermore, the renovation of the listed buildings, called "C3-C11.650-CXNUMX" with a surface area of ​​XNUMX mXNUMX of floor space, is envisaged, to be used for activities of a social, cultural, educational/training and social aggregation nature, with the related appurtenant public car parks .  

The entity managing the service located in the “C1-C2-C3” properties will be identified through a public tender procedure for the concession of use of the properties. 

The transfer of the areas for 48.903 square meters completely guarantees the territorial allocations due in relation to the settlements envisaged by the Implementation Plan equal to 48.309 square meters, while, for the purposes of finding the minimum surface area required by the PGT regulations for the Implementation Plans, equal to 50% of the territorial surface (50.745 m1.842), monetization will be used for the 26.8 mXNUMX of areas not found, in accordance with the provisions of the art. XNUMX of the NDA of the PdR. 

The project area is located in the Municipality of Milan and is abandoned, having ceased military use. The area called "Piazza d'Armi" and the 6 "C" shaped buildings have been declared by the Superintendency to be of historical-artistic interest, pursuant to art. 10 of Legislative Decree 42/2004 and subsequent amendments and represent a significant urban presence in the urban system. 

The objectives of the plan are: the development of a project characterized by high urban permeability for both roads and pedestrian and cycle routes; the presence of equipped public spaces, such as the large central park, capable of stitching together the surrounding urban fabrics; the environmental redevelopment of the now abandoned areas of the former barracks; the maintenance of the portion of the listed property in order to preserve the historical memory of the military artefacts, the provision of new services through the functional and architectural recovery of three of the six listed properties, the creation of social housing.  

The Plan was approved with Municipal Council Resolution no. 1291 dated 13/10/2021 and is currently being finalized for the signing of the urban planning agreement.


Mameli Barracks - Render 2
Mameli Barracks - Render 3
Mameli Barracks - Render 4
Mameli Barracks - Render 1
Mameli Barracks - Photo 1
Mameli Barracks - Plan

Updated: 20/05/2022