reach out


The “REACHOUT” project in which the Municipality of Milan participates as a partner, intends to concretely implement the actions of the urban adaptation plans, offering support and building a network between the cities of the C40 network that have already adopted these tools. The consortium is made up of service developers and some networks between cities with the aim of aligning with the European Green Deal program and developing products and services aimed at stakeholders and citizens to support adaptation and mitigation to climate change. The final objective of REACHOUT is to prepare tools to support the adaptation decision-making process, contributing to the construction of a toolbox starting from 10 already existing open source tools.

Start date: 10/10/2021
End date: 31/03/2025

Deltares (Netherlands)
Stichting Cas (Netherlands)
Vu-ivm (Netherlands) 
Cmcc (Italy)
Ngi (Norway)
Ecological (Germany)
Tecnalia (Spain)
Global Resilient City Network (Greece)
Sweco (Sweden)
University College Cork (Ireland)
Senzimir Foundation (Poland)
Cork City (Ireland) 
City of Athens (Greece)
City of Lillestorm (Norway)
City of Logrono (Spain)
City of Gdynia (Poland)
Apg (Holland)
C40 (USA)

• support the effective involvement and ownership of citizens and businesses in adaptation decision-making in 7 urban centers across Europe through the joint development and testing of services and tools;
• provide services adapted to local political contexts for each of the 7 cities and support the integration of services within the adaptation process and communication platforms;
• build a toolbox (Triple-A) starting from 10 already existing open source tools, connecting them effectively and flexibly to public data platforms at European, national and regional scale, allowing the inclusion of local knowledge, including citizens' science;
• recommend sustainable business and implementation models based on successful examples and identifying key factors driving demand for services;
• expand the use of services to a wider network of cities, organizing capacity building activities and, through the partners of the Resilient Cities Network and C40 consortium, capacity building activities will be organized in Europe and beyond European borders;
• sustain the services provided beyond the duration of the project not only by institutionalizing them, but also by making them economically profitable.

• Develop urban adaptation by connecting cities, communities and the private sector across Europe at different scales, through urban hubs and regional clusters.
• Promote shared verification of information, better access to knowledge of local vulnerabilities, thus also increasing society's adaptive capacity in the face of climate change.

Expected results
Bridging the last mile in developing a portfolio of sustainable, low-threshold services for citizens, the private sector and local government, to improve climate change resilience in European municipalities.