

The project aims to contribute to the realization of the European Child Guarantee for effective and free access to at least one healthy meal every school day for all children at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Europe. We must implement school lunch concepts that have high nutritional quality, are safe, sustainable and low-waste, inclusive, satisfying for children, parents and school staff, feasible and affordable.

Start date: 01/12/2023
End date: 30/11/2026

GEMEENTE ROTTERDAM, Asociatia Cluster de Educatie Romania Nord-Vest Cluj-Napoca, RIGAS DOMES IZGLITIBAS KULTURAS UN SPORTA DEPARTAMENTS, UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM ROTTERDAM, Asociatia GAL Somes-Nadas, Agrupamento de Escolas Anselmo de Andrade, MUNICIPALITY OF MILAN, Rikolto, Stichting BO OR, OBSHTINA VARNA, Göteborgs stad, Grundskoleförvaltningen

The project focuses on including different local communities from partner cities to take part in the project. In collaboration with the project facilitators and consortium, to develop several outcomes, which will aim to have healthier and more sustainable food for our children, including those at risk of poverty and social exclusion. By using the entire ecosystem around school food, we will increase understanding of the food system, teaching them new skills and making them more likely to make healthy, sustainable food an important part of their lives. Therefore, we will get stronger school ecosystems, which will allow cities and schools to start the consortium to inspire and strengthen each other. Cities and schools outside the consortium and offering best practices and a toolkit.

- Mentoring training at the kick-off meeting in Cluj-Napoca
- Study visits and tutoring visits
- Development of a toolkit on healthy and sustainable nutrition
- Four local implementation strategies
- Connect and align all stakeholders of the school ecosystem
- Final conference in Rotterdam to disseminate all the results of the project

Expected results
1. A mentoring training
2. Research on healthy meals
3. Four local implementation strategies
4. Four local action groups
5. A toolkit for healthy and sustainable eating