With reference to the art. 97 of the E.R., what is the minimum surface area of ​​the doctor's private office (not the surgery room) in a dental clinic?

The art. 97 of the Building Regulations (which establishes the minimum useful surface area of ​​the living spaces and therefore of the study room of 7 mXNUMX) is contained in Title II – Chapter I  (Configuration and equipment of buildings - of the same R.E). 

The art. 85 - Field of application - establishes that the requirements for living spaces relating to the surface area of ​​individual rooms (excluding toilets) also apply to offices, shops, professional studios and laboratories, unless otherwise specified. This is without prejudice to the rules established by national and regional legislation regarding public residential building interventions, as well as for particular destinations (healthcare, schools, social welfare, accommodation, etc.).

We also specify what is indicated in the art. 1 paragraph 5 of the R.E. where, in the event of conflict, the health and hygiene regulations contained therein prevail over the Local Hygiene Regulations. 

FAQ SUE n. 71 - Published on 6 March 2020

Updated: 23/03/2020