When can building consistency be certified?

Please refer to the contents of managerial determination no. 112/2018. The proposing/certifying technicians are authorized to produce certification of the building consistency, where attempts to find the previous documents were not successful.

The power to produce the certification must be traced back to the expiry of the ordinary deadline of 30+15 days from the date of submission of the access request, and requires a detailed description of the searches for the essential elements and documents carried out in this regard.

The faculty is in fact only an acceleration of the procedure and leaves intact the control powers of the Administration within the times and methods established by law. In the absence of proven malicious intent, the attestant's behavior will not be considered negligent, as a transitory lack of availability of documents, subsequently found, cannot be considered as serious liability for the attestant. 

FAQ SUE n. 65 - Published on 6 March 2020

Updated: 23/03/2020