Qualifications of interventions: when is a building intervention classified as conservative restoration and when as building renovation?

When in a building intervention the whole of the works, although providing for, for example, the insertion of accessory elements, systems, lifts, modification of the stairwells and some modifications of the openings in the elevations, and such works do not involve, with such insertions , the extensive demolition and reconstruction of the existing slabs and perimeter walls and do not determine substantial typological and formal changes to the existing building, i.e. when it can be stated that conservation prevails over transformation, it is considered correct to qualify the intervention as "conservation rehabilitation" pursuant to art. 3 paragraph 1 letter c) Presidential Decree 380/01.

When in a building intervention the set of works, although not involving the demolition of the existing slabs and perimeter walls, actually leads to the construction of a building different from the previous one in terms of external appearance, layout of the elevations, insertion of new systems, insertion of balconies characterizing the building typology, internal distribution, that is, when it can be said that transformation prevails over conservation.

It is believed that the intervention itself is a building renovation with reference to the articles. 3 paragraph 1 letter d) (light renovation) and 10 paragraph 1 letter c) Presidential Decree 380/01 (heavy renovation).

FAQ SUE n. 52 - Published on 6 March 2020 

Updated: 23/03/2020