How should the surface area be understood for the calculation of the minimum electrical power of systems powered by renewable sources?

DDUO 18546/2019, in point 6.14 III, defines surface area at ground level as "the projection of the roof of the building onto the ground (as seen from an aerial photo), excluding balconies, if not covered and excluding appurtenances ( on which the systems can however be installed)".

It is specified that "terrace roofs no longer justify their exclusion from the calculation of the projection of the building's profile onto the ground, while it is advisable to maintain it for the balconies, since the latter, being built as an overhang and not as a roof of a portion of the building, are not related to the volume it occupies or projects to the ground".

FAQ SUE n. 96 - Published 12 September 2022

Updated: 12/09/2022