Do buildings located in private streets have to be connected to the municipal sewer system?

We mean private roads: Private streets, common courtyards or squares, areas subject to transit easements in favor of landlocked land. 

The buildings located along private roads facing a municipal sewer pipe are obliged to connect their drains to the public sewer system and the road is considered a common courtyard for the buildings themselves. Therefore the owners/fronters will have to provide at their own expense for the construction of the sewer system along the private road and for the subsequent management, possibly establishing a specific Consortium/Condominium, and to allow the connection of the new buildings, without prejudice to the costs deriving from the connection. Once the consortium conduit has been built, the owners of the buildings along the private road (not users of the municipal sewerage) will connect their wastewater to the common conduit built on the road.

FAQ SUE n. 92 - Published on October 12, 2021

Updated: 12/10/2021