Lorenteggio district

The extraordinary investment in Lorenteggio will allow the implementation of an important urban regeneration intervention in the neighborhood aimed at a general improvement in the quality of daily life. The Program benefits from a variety of financial resources starting from the approximately 53 million euros of the POR FESR Regional Operational Plan European Regional Development Fund and the POR ESF Regional Operational Plan-European Social Fund, to which are added resources from other sources of financing - ministerial funds National Housing Plan, municipal, regional and the PON Metro Metropolitan Cities Operational Plan - for a total of approximately 100 million euros.

The regeneration of the neighborhood will also be able to count on the entry into operation of the M4 Metro line which, with the Segneri stop right in the center of the quadrilateral, will radically change the accessibility to the Lorenteggio neighborhood and its level of integration with the wider city, to date limited.

The lines of action around which the project is concentrated, without prejudice to the constraints that arise from the various funding sources, are:

  • intervene on ERP assets (public residential buildings);
  • work on the quality of public space and sustainable mobility systems;
  • socio-economic regeneration and implementation of services;
  • social support and communication plan.

The redevelopment of over a fifth of the existing ALER housing stock is envisaged - approximately 655 homes - through the demolition and reconstruction of entire buildings and the very significant recovery of vacant homes. Asbestos abatement works are also underway in existing buildings.

Particular attention is paid to interventions for the improvement of open spaces and public infrastructures. In fact, the Municipality, also using considerable resources from its budget amounting to approximately 20 million euros, will carry out important redevelopment works of the green areas, the streets of the neighborhood and the sustainable mobility systems such as the cycle path from Piazza Napoli to Piazza Tirana, of implementation of services - from the new library in via Odazio, to the Community Hub, energy efficiency of the nursery school in via dei Narcisi and of the public lighting network. 

The PON Metro funds in particular will be used to finance socio-economic regeneration processes to encourage the creation of projects carried out by citizens, enhancing local energy and potential.

The entire Program will be supported by a Social Accompaniment Service - Laboratorio Sociale Lorenteggio, activated with resources from the European Social Fund, as a point of listening, information, communication and interaction with the inhabitants.

The combination of building redevelopment interventions, improvement of public spaces and infrastructures in the neighborhood as well as social promotion and economic revitalization actions make it possible to achieve the guiding objective of European programming which places the theme of « social inclusion".

Updated: 03/04/2023