Welfare. Bertolé at the conference on funds for the homeless on Friday

Welfare. Bertolé at the conference on funds for the homeless on Friday

Full program

Milan, January 27 2022 – Tomorrow, Friday 28 January, starting at 9 am, the conference entitled "Extreme poverty: 4 million euros for goods in favor of serious material deprivation. Balance between past and future" will be held at the Mirasole Abbey in Opera Comparing experiences on the resources of the OP FEAD towards the new refinancing", to present the results of the management of funding from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (PO I FEAD) and intended for policies to combat serious marginalization and discuss its use. of the new funds that the Municipality has requested by adhering to the new procedure of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.

The councilor for Welfare and Health Lamberto Bertolé will participate in the round table which will open at 11am and during which Alberto Sinigallia and Costantina Regazzo of Progetto Mirasole social enterprise, Alessandro Pezzoni of Fiopsd, Carla Antonucci, representative of the Ministry of Labor will also speak and Social Policies and Miriam Pasqui of the Rights and Serious Marginalization Unit of the Welfare and Health Department. 

It is possible to participate in the conference in person or follow it remotely by registering at the address https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-esperienze-a-confronto-sulle-risorse-del-po-fead-230739276387.


Updated: 31/01/2022