Welfare. The second distribution of masks in public housing started with Emergency

Welfare. The second distribution of masks in public housing started with Emergency

The Pop magazine was also delivered! Rabaiotti: “We continue to implement interventions that demonstrate the attention of the Municipality towards our tenants”

Milan, October 13 2020 - The free distribution of approximately 200 thousand surgical masks has begun for the tenants of the Municipality's public housing units managed by MM. Together with the masks, the latest issue of “Pop! Abitare voice of the popular verb", the periodical wanted by MM and created in collaboration with NABA, the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, whose editorial team is a mix of students, teachers, MM staff and tenants of public housing.

Carrying out the distribution house by house and neighborhood by neighborhood are around 150 Emergency volunteers, who had already participated in the first distribution of masks in public housing, which took place last May again at the request of the Municipality. They will move in pairs, wearing personal protective equipment and an identification badge. As soon as deliveries have started, they will continue for a few days, until they reach around 20 thousand families throughout the city.

“We continue to implement interventions that demonstrate our attention to public housing neighborhoods - says the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti -. In addition to the necessary maintenance efforts, we try to bring them entertainment, sport and culture, as we did between August and September with estatepopolare, to help them in the activation of initiatives and projects useful to the community through the call dedicated to tenant committees, and to stay alongside them in protecting health, as the moment we are living in requires. This is why we decided to intervene a second time, after last May we distributed, again together with Emergency supported by Energie sociali Jesurum and Arci, 300 thousand masks in the city's public housing. This time we combine the distribution of Pop! which speaks to them and about them and which represents the only example of social publishing in Europe. There will be weeks of going door to door, house after house, showing that it is possible, if we want, to reconnect the broken threads with our tenants, taking control of even the most difficult situations".

Photo (credit Daniele Mascolo) al link


Updated: 15/10/2020