Welfare. 4.500 beneficiaries of the rent contribution, the first payments arriving through the Milano Abitare agency

Welfare. 4.500 beneficiaries of the rent contribution, the first payments arriving through the Milano Abitare agency

Rabaiotti: “We are doing everything we can to help those who are most in crisis”

Milan, July 26 2020 - Payments of the first contributions of 1.500 euros each will begin in the next few days, valid for the payment of rent on the free market for those who are in difficulty due to the health emergency. 
These are the first disbursements for families who requested them through the notice published by the Municipality on 30 April, based on the 2,456 million euros of resources already available, which currently allow 1.637 beneficiaries to be financed. 
The ranking is online on the Municipality website at this link.

However, from the opening of the tender to today, the dedicated resources have increased significantly, reaching a total of around 6,8 million (2,5 of which coming from the European Pon Metro Program and another 1,8 from state funds via the Lombardy Region). As soon as the financing is available, it will be possible to provide the contribution to other families, for a maximum total of approximately 4.500. 

At the moment, the Administration offices have verified and already admitted 2.699 applications for funding and by September they will proceed to check the remaining ones, until the funds are exhausted. Similarly, the payments of the contribution, which reach the owner of the apartment directly through Milano Abitare, the social rental agency affiliated with the Municipality, will resume between the end of August and September after the first tranche of these days. 

“We are doing everything we can - intervenes the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - in terms of resources and speed, considering the incompressible times of the control procedures, to reach out to the families that the emergency has put most in crisis, who have had to suffer the loss of a loved one or their hospitalization, who have no longer been able to work and who, therefore, have suffered a vertical collapse in their income. The intention is also to avoid the occurrence of eviction proceedings due to non-payment by owners, with an effort to pay attention to categories of people potentially impoverished due to the emergency and traditionally excluded from the radar of public welfare. Concrete help to alleviate the burden of a situation in which we believe several fellow citizens find themselves." 

In addition to the basic requirements valid for access (ISEE certification of up to 26 thousand euros, ownership of the rental contract for at least one year), for the preparation of the ranking, conditions particularly linked to the emergency were considered as preferential criteria: the termination , reduction or absence of working activity starting from February 1st of this year; hospitalization for Covid-19 symptoms or the death of a family member from 1 February; the presence of people with disabilities greater than 66% within the nucleus. Among the criteria relating to employment status, the condition of being self-employed, precarious workers, on fixed-term contracts and looking for work had the greatest weight. Single-parent families and large single-income families are also valued, with attention to singles.

Updated: 26/07/2020