Volunteering. 450 thousand euros from the Municipality to encourage civic commitment

Volunteering. 450 thousand euros from the Municipality to encourage civic commitment

The Administration promotes matching between Third Sector initiatives and citizens who want to make their time available 
Milan, November 26 2022 - Encourage participation in the life of the city, with particular attention to the little ones and their involvement. With this objective, the Municipality will invest 450 thousand euros for the creation of a project to promote civic volunteering dedicated to adults and minors. 
“The desire to participate in the life of the city - declares the councilor for Welfare and Health Lamberto Bertolé - is inherent in the DNA of the Milanese. The aim of the Municipality is to channel this energy, thus achieving the double objective of encouraging the involvement of citizens - especially the smaller ones - and of strengthening community ties in the neighbourhoods. Two intentions that must represent priorities for local authorities. We know that the social fabric of this city is very rich and therefore we are sure that the associations and bodies will welcome this opportunity with enthusiasm". 
The Administration intends to promote the creation of a connection between the bodies, associations and individuals who organize events and initiatives and the people who wish to participate in the implementation as volunteers. The tool will be the municipal Volunteers for Milan platform, created to encourage occasional civic volunteering by those who, without continuously joining a specific association, want to make their time available to collaborate in the creation of individual events and activities that take place in city. A public procedure will be launched for the management of this platform.  
Third sector and private social bodies will then be able to request the publication of the calls which will be open to volunteers for the cultural, artistic, social and sporting events they organize and citizens will be able to answer the call for the individual event in which they are interested. .  
The new portal manager will have to deal with mapping the volunteering opportunities offered by the city, but also within the Administration services, with carrying out information and orientation interviews for aspiring volunteers, for the creation of a specific list, to deal with training and support for the organizers of the initiatives.  
Part of the allocated resources - coming from the financing for the so-called WishMi project - will be directed towards actions that aim to involve children, boys and girls up to the age of 18 in voluntary activities and civic participation, through the creation of a special section dedicated to minors on the Volunteers for Milan platform and the experimentation of a reward system that allows recognition to be given to those who have taken part in multiple activities by making their time available. The points accumulated by completing the so-called "missions" can, in fact, be transformed into advantages that can also be exploited to obtain the services available on Milano 0.18, the online catalog of the Municipality of Milan which aims to recompose the city's offer of activities for smaller.  
The co-planning relating to this last action will last six months, from January to August 2023, and the activities will be carried out in connection with the initiatives promoted in the city for the celebration of Game Day, established last year by the Municipality of Milan, and which will be celebrated on May 28th. Boys and girls from 0 to 18 years old can participate in the missions, individually or in groups, through schools, educational services, CAGs, libraries, by registering for free in the section dedicated to minors on the Volunteers for Milan portal. The proposed missions may concern the fields of sport, art, health, STEM, with particular attention to the transversal themes of the environment and the enhancement of public spaces.


Updated: 26/11/2022