Green. Most beautiful green area with a hundred trees in front of the San Paolo hospital

Green. Most beautiful green area with a hundred trees in front of the San Paolo hospital

Mellin's project as part of "Care and Adopt Public Green Space" 

Milan, June 4 2019 - È stato presentato oggi a Palazzo Marino il progetto di arricchimento di un'area verde a cura di Mellin. L'impegno dell'azienda, nell'ambito del progetto del Comune "Cura e Adotta il Verde Pubblico", riguarda la gestione per tre anni di un’area di 1.400 metri quadrati a sud di Milano, compresa tra le vie Voltri, De Nicola e Di Rudinì, di fronte all’Ospedale San Paolo, e la posa, nel corso della prossima stagione agronomica, di cento alberi a integrazione del verde esistente. 

"I thank Mellin for promoting an intervention that will make a green area of ​​Milan more beautiful, for the benefit of the hospital patients and all the citizens, in particular those of the Boffalora and Barona districts -  declares Pierfrancesco Maran, councilor for urban planning, Greenery and Agriculture of the Municipality of Milan - The intervention, which falls within the scope of the Administration's project 'Care and Adopts Public Greenery', demonstrates how sustainable and useful projects for the community arise from the synergy between the public and private sectors. over 450 thousand trees, a figure destined to increase significantly also thanks to the contribution of citizens, associations and companies who collaborate to make our city greener and more livable".
“Our country is experiencing the most difficult demographic winter in its history and children, as well as the environment, represent the future of all of us. Mellin believes that the health of the planet and the health of people are interconnected and dreams of a future where more and more children grow up in a world that preserves nature - declared Fabrizio Gavelli, CEO Mellin -. For this reason he has undertaken a new path that starts with the Milan park; a concrete commitment whose ultimate goal is not only to help our country from an environmental point of view, but also to support the development of meeting places and well-being for parents and children." 
The intervention is the first piece of an even larger project at national level. By joining the Green Mosaic* project, Mellin launches the More trees for our children campaign, a message of closeness to new families with the creation of green spaces throughout the Italian territory: Planting one tree for every 50 newborns in Italy to reach 9.000 trees every year for the next few years.


Updated: 04/06/2019