Urban planning. Councilor Maran: "110% bonus, the Government should simplify otherwise it will kill it"

Urban planning. Councilor Maran: "110% bonus, the Government should simplify otherwise it will kill it"

Assimpredil ANCE, CdO, Confcooperative Habitat, Legacoop, FIMAA, Assoimmobiliare, Assolombarda, Order of Architects of Milan, Order of Engineers of the Province of Milan, College of Surveyors and IN/Arch

Milan, 16 December 2020 – "We believe that the 110% bonus represents a strategic line for the environmental development of the construction sector, as well as a fundamental lever for economic recovery. Precisely for this reason we believe it is essential to cut some bureaucratic aspects that risk killing it. In this sense there is an amendment to the 2021 Budget Law proposed by ANCI which simplifies the procedures and which is essential to be approved if the procedures are not to die in the lengthy search for documentation. The authorization process required, in fact, involves searches for documents in the archives of all the large Italian cities take between 6 and 12 months to be fully procured, therefore putting those investments at risk.

This means entirely concentrating the work of the city construction archives on these practices, effectively blocking all ordinary activity which is equally decisive for the economic recovery of our country.

Cutting the bureaucracy, with the amendment proposed by ANCI, is the salvation of the 110% bonus: it allows its real implementation and allows the continuation of the rest of the construction activities. Not approving the amendment would implicitly mean saying that the objective is to reduce the chances of successfully completing energy efficiency projects, because many would remain entangled in the web of bureaucracy."

This is the appeal to the Government launched by the Milan Urban Planning Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran together with Assimpredil ANCE, CdO, Confcooperative Habitat, Legacoop, FIMAA, Assoimmobiliare, Assolombarda, Order of Architects of Milan, Order of Engineers of the Province of Milan, College surveyors and IN/Arch.

Updated: 17/12/2020