Ukraine. The Municipality's plan to offer free school services and educational-creative activities to girls and boys is underway

Ukraine. The Municipality's plan to offer free school services and educational-creative activities to girls and boys is underway

Milan, March 27 2022 - Canteens, school transport, summer camps, specific support activities for learning the Italian language and services dedicated to girls and boys with disabilities. 

It is a package of extraordinary measures to welcome children and boys fleeing from war zones into school and educational services, the one approved in recent days by the Council, which with the provision wanted to ensure their participation in educational and training courses. support aimed at supporting the integration and inclusion process. 

Children and young people will therefore be able to access free school lunch services, will have the opportunity to attend summer centers and educational opportunities in summer 2022 including stays in the Municipality's holiday homes and, soon, Italian language learning activities and recreational activities to start integration paths. 

“The particular composition of the arriving families, made up mostly of women and girls and boys, requires a welcome that certainly responds to the most urgent needs of daily life such as accommodation, health and food, and which also qualifies inclusion in school and educational services as a priority: we refer to the right to growth and development of the personality, to education and education provided for and protected by the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" - underlines the Deputy Mayor and Councilor to Education Anna Scavuzzo -. With these premises and referring to all subsequent legislation, not least the emergency legislation of recent weeks, we wanted to approve a single provision that would address this very important issue in a structured and unitary way. A lot is being done by school managers and communities, private and private social entities, and all public bodies including the Municipality: the city of Milan has already demonstrated in other previous migratory emergencies wide openness and capacity to welcome those who flee from wars and persecutions and also in the face of the drama that the population of Ukraine is experiencing, we confirm our commitment to the measures necessary to meet the exceptional reception needs of Ukrainian citizens fleeing the conflict, starting from the youngest".


Updated: 28/03/2022