Public transport. Taxi voucher, expanded and simplified access to discounted rides

Public transport. Taxi voucher, expanded and simplified access to discounted rides

In three months over ten thousand requests to access the service

Milan, November 23 2020 – Over ten thousand requests for taxi vouchers have been received by the Municipality since the system was launched almost three months ago which allows different categories of citizens to use public cars at discounted rates. Given the success of use and the continuation of the emergency caused by the epidemic, in recent days, the Administration has decided to broaden the criteria for accessing the benefit, to extend it to new categories and to simplify the accession methods.

In fact, elderly residents in Milan over 65 years of age (no longer 70), people with 65% disability (no longer 100%), women who have to travel in the evening between 18pm (no longer 21pm) and 6am. Furthermore, new categories such as minors resident in Milan and their parents, pregnant women and people undergoing life-saving therapy can request the relief.

The discount also remains active for doctors and nurses. From today, pharmacists, OSS, ASA and healthcare technicians working in all healthcare and socio-healthcare facilities in Milan, as well as in hospital facilities located in the Municipality of Milan, can also request the taxi voucher. as well as at the San Raffaele and Humanitas hospitals or who are residents of Milan.

"We want to come to the aid of particular categories of people - declares Marco Granelli, councilor for Mobility - who need to travel easily. The objective is to expand and make more accessible the opportunities for safe public transport in Milan to better satisfy demand, starting from the people most in difficulty or who need greater attention and safety conditions but also for the healthcare workers of the Milanese healthcare and socio-health facilities, in order to encourage their mobility in this particular moment of great work".

The contribution will be equal to the total cost of the taxi ride for people over 65 and disabled people in particularly fragile situations, according to the evaluation of the Social Policies Directorate. However, as regards all the other categories, the contribution is always a maximum of 10 euros for each taxi ride - carried out with a credit card, debit card (ATM) or prepaid card in the name of the applicant - and, as a further benefit, all those who who are entitled to it will be able to have an unlimited number of total vouchers until 31 December 2020 when the benefit expires, as long as the number of two per day is not exceeded.

We remind you that the taxi vouchers are financed with 700 thousand euros and also have the aim of relaunching and supporting the public car service, which has been particularly affected by the crisis caused by the Covid-19 emergency. The city council had decided to allocate part of the mutual aid fund for this purpose.

To date, approximately 106 thousand euros have been spent on the provision of over 10 thousand vouchers. Of these, approximately 4.000 were allocated to fragile subjects indicated by the Social Policies Directorate and 6.000 to other subjects divided as follows: 63,7% elderly people over 70; 21,3% women working hours between 21.00pm and 6.00am; 13,3% 100% disabled and 1,6% doctors or nurses.

The voucher is distributed electronically to all individuals who request it as long as they certify that they possess the necessary requirements by completing an online form. Vouchers will be issued based on the chronological order of request and until available funds are exhausted. The contribution to cover the voucher will then be paid directly to the taxi drivers following reporting of the trip made thanks to the collaboration of the radio taxi. The voucher can be used on all taxis and radio taxis operating in Milan.

To access the service you must register via the web application developed in collaboration with the Municipality's SIAD technicians.

Updated: 23/11/2020