Trasporto pubblico. Protocollo tra Comune e Forze armate per potenziare sicurezza e rispetto delle norme sulla rete cittadina

Trasporto pubblico. Protocollo tra Comune e Forze armate per potenziare sicurezza e rispetto delle norme sulla rete cittadina

Activated in an experimental form, it will allow soldiers to travel for free - Photo gallery

Milan, May 18 2021 – Firmato oggi dal Sindaco Giuseppe Sala e dal Generale di brigata dell’Esercito Alfonso Miro e dal Generale Divisione aerea dell’Aeronautica Francesco Vestito il protocollo tra il Comune di Milano e le Forze armate che consentirà ai militari in divisa di viaggiare gratuitamente sulla rete del trasporto pubblico cittadino per garantire maggiore sicurezza e rispetto delle norme, comprese quelle anti Covid.

The military of the Army, Navy and Air Force constitute an effective and non-invasive security garrison and thanks to this agreement they will be able to assist the personnel on board in case of need.

In terms of contrasting the spread of the pandemic, then, in addition to safeguarding compliance with the rules of conduct, the military will have to collect some structural data indicated by the Administration on the number of people present on the vehicles and the routes travelled. An important contribution that adds to the initiatives already undertaken by the Municipality and ATM in recent months and which will guarantee greater supervision in anticipation of a progressive return to normality and the reopening of city activities.

The protocol, a concrete sign of the precious collaboration between institutions, opens a three-month experimental phase during which the Administration and the Armed Forces will monitor the achievement of the objectives of the agreement.


Updated: 18/05/2021