Public transport. Politecnico di Milano, ATM and Municipality of Milan announce "Tech bus", towards assisted and connected urban mobility

Public transport. Politecnico di Milano, ATM and Municipality of Milan announce "Tech bus", towards assisted and connected urban mobility

Experimentation has begun on the first trolleybus of line 90/91 to improve regularity and safety thanks to IBM and Vodafone Italia technologies

Milan, May 6 2021 – The Municipality of Milan, ATM and the Polytechnic of Milan, together with Vodafone and IBM, announce Tech bus, the first trolleybus developed through an innovative mobility research project that implements hybrid 'cloud' technologies connected to the 5G network for assisted driving . This is the first step on the path towards autonomous driving, with the aim of raising the levels of regularity and safety of local public transport even further.

Tech bus is one of the first results of the project developed within the JRL, Joint research lab for urban mobility: a research initiative for Milan, an increasingly "intelligent" and green city, experimenting with connected, electric and semi-electric mobility autonomous, with work conducted in partnership with leaders in research, technology and transport, to improve the integration and safety of travel for citizens and visitors to the city. In addition to the aforementioned Municipality of Milan, ATM, Polytechnic of Milan, IBM and Vodafone, the JRL also includes the Fondazione Politecnico of Milan, the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Brembo, Enel X, Pirelli, Solaris Bus & Coach, STMicroelectronics.

The first Tech bus driven by innovation is a trolleybus from the ATM fleet on the 90/91" trolleybus line: the intelligent sensors on board use V2I (Vehicle to infrastructure) communication to allow the vehicle to constantly communicate along the route with the traffic lights and the road infrastructure, helping to create a cooperative mobility ecosystem in which technologies make it possible to improve road safety and lays the foundations for the new frontier of autonomous driving. Outside, a recognizable livery created specifically will be characterized by colors that they represent technological evolution, indigo and blue, and the environmental sustainability which by definition represents the electric traction vehicle, green.

A group of researchers, engineers and technicians from JRL has installed sophisticated instruments on board the ATM trolleybus which, thanks to the 5G Vodafone network and the IBM application interfaces, based on the IBM Watson IoT open integration platform, allow dialogue and a continuous exchange of information between vehicle and road infrastructure. 
In this first phase of the project, the objective is to optimize mobility processes towards assisted driving in the management of traffic lights and intersections, to improve the regularity and frequency of vehicle circulation.

In the future evolution of the project, the very low latency and high reliability of Vodafone 5G will guarantee the continuous availability of additional information to the on-board systems and the driver, thus contributing to increasing road safety; the use of Vodafone's Multi-Access edge computing (MEC) to manage the sophisticated V2I algorithms of cooperative services in a secure infrastructure capable of guaranteeing central "direction" of city traffic. 
Devices for data storage and connection with the trolleybus will also be installed on street lamps, traffic lights and shelters. In this phase, IBM and the Polytechnic simulated the flows of this information.

The instruments on the ground and on the vehicle will allow a continuous transmission of information between the road infrastructures and the moving vehicle, guaranteeing the creation of a spatial map of the vehicles and any pedestrians and bicycles in transit. 
The objective is to provide the driver with additional information to support safe driving with increased visibility and anticipating any critical issues. 
The experimental Tech bus project concerns the 90/91 line since most of the route takes place in a dedicated preferential lane. In particular, the first section set up with communication infrastructures is that of Viale Abruzzi. The roadmap currently envisages that in two years the project can be extended to the other trolleybuses of the ATM fleet in service on line 90/91, which will gradually enter testing.

The priority advantages of the first development areas are:

  • Traffic light precedence - The solution provides the driver with the status of the traffic lights along the route and recommends the appropriate speed to synchronize with the green traffic light wave, thus improving passenger comfort and service efficiency. The development of a dynamic control system for traffic light signaling on the 5G network is planned which will allow priority to be given to public transport, for example during the peak period or in the event of a delay in the timetable.
  • Junction management and traffic information - Thanks to algorithms that process video images and information collected by sensors along the road in real time, it will be possible to notify the driver and the trolleybus of the presence of obstacles obstructing the route, or of a vehicle arriving at the next intersection, or even of the people approaching at the next pedestrian crossing. In these cases the driver, thanks to a monitor next to the driving position, is alerted with a visual or acoustic signal and can thus be helped to pay particular attention when proceeding along the route.
  • Control of stops - The technological instrumentation present on the shelters informs the driver, for example, how many passengers are waiting, whether the area around the stop is fully accessible and what the flow of passengers on and off the trolleybus is. Furthermore, it is possible to send information on the loading status of the vehicle from the trolleybus to the shelter.

Tech bus represents further progress in the New Urban Mobility scene, which combines technology and sustainability towards the cutting edge of Milanese public transport. 
The project advances in a scenario that places investments in innovation at the centre, drivers in the choices and strategic policies of institutions and companies, to support Milan's change towards increasingly electric, connected and safe mobility: from the present, with the driverless trains of the M5 and the next M4, towards assisted driving of surface vehicles, which in the future could also be autonomous.

"In Milan we invest in innovation, towards increasingly sustainable but also more connected, fluid mobility, capable of responding to citizens' needs. This experimentation - declares Marco Granelli, councilor for Mobility - represents an interesting collaborative approach between the public and private, between companies that work in different ways but are all interested in dealing with a very complex reality, not a laboratory, but a city made up of networks of streets, squares and intersections, fleets of public and private transport, people who use the road for a future where moving becomes increasingly easier and safer thanks to the integration between man and artificial intelligence".

"Mobility is a key sector for the development and growth of the territory and cities, a crossroads between cutting-edge technology and precision services – states Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Polytechnic of Milan –. Here some of the great challenges of the future. Milan, like other realities in the world, becomes the theater of an experimentation that combines the skills of the university with the technologies made available by some large companies, with which the Polytechnic of Milan has been working in synergy for some time. A project that wants to become a demonstrator of technologies for sustainable and safe mobility".

"ATM is always at the forefront in the experimentation and application of technological and cutting-edge projects, essential for designing the mobility of the future – declares Arrigo Giana, General Director of ATM –. Technological innovation is in fact at the center of the strategic choices of the Company committed to offering an increasingly attractive transport service based on citizens' needs. A challenge, which, together with sustainability, represents one of the pillars on which our investments are concentrated, also to encourage the evolution and relaunch of Milan".

"The Tech bus – states Stefano Rebattoni, CEO of IBM Italia – is the demonstration that the combination of human capabilities and exponential technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things, can produce concrete and substantial benefits for each of us. By supporting, as in this case, the work of those who deal with public mobility and improving the quality of life in our cities. We are proud to have contributed with IBM's solutions and skills to the development of a public-private ecosystem to support the sustainable growth of Milan and, consequently, of our country".

"We are happy to contribute with our technology and our skills to a cutting-edge project, a forerunner of the mobility of the future – comments Giorgio Migliarina, Director of Vodafone business –. We make the experience gained during the 5G trial in Milan promoted by the MiSE, of which Vodafone was the leader. The distinctive characteristics of 5G will give a great boost to technological evolution on the roads of the future, improving road safety and reducing consumption, thus paving the way for connected mobility and sustainable".

JRL Joint research lab - The profile
The Joint Research Lab for autonomous and connected electric urban mobility (JRL) is an ecosystem that includes universities (Polytechnic University of Milan and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano with organizational secretariat function), industry (ATM, Brembo, Enel Pirelli, Solaris bus & coach, STMicroelectronics, Vodafone) and institutions (Municipality of Milan and Chamber of Commerce of Milan); deals with the topic of autonomous driving, considered from different points of view from public transport, such as buses, to privately managed autonomous car-sharing systems, up to the development of new products and services that can enable this technology.

The Joint research lab's first ambition is to bring one of the major innovations in the field of autonomous driving: the promotion of a promiscuous urban circuit with a smart, wired and technologically advanced infrastructure, which allows the transit of experimental vehicles safely. Milan presents itself as a hub for the technological development of autonomous electric mobility, creating new jobs and international interest in the sector, through an appropriately instrumented city test circuit and, in the future covered by the 5G network, for testing and validation of prototypes. The circuit could enhance the preferential lanes, the areas of the railway yards, and some peripheral areas.

JRL partners: ATM, Brembo, Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Municipality of Milan, Enel

Updated: 06/05/2021