Transport. Granelli: "Ready to look for tools against those who lay their hands on efficient transport"

Transport. Granelli: "Ready to look for tools against those who lay their hands on efficient transport"

Milan, November 26 2019 - "Today the Lombardy Region changes the rules that it wrote in 2012 without having discussed it with agencies, provinces, metropolitan cities and municipalities", declares the councilor for mobility Marco Granelli regarding the approval of the amendment which modifies the governance of the agencies of the local public transport.

“This is called a coup – explains Granelli -. We have always been open to discussion, and for this reason we were present today too. However, the tables open before approving the laws, not after, because dialogue between the institutions is necessary for the good of the citizens. This is why we will also be there in the coming weeks."

“I want to say clearly – adds the councilor – that with the tariff integration that was made by the Basin Agency, as designed in 2012, the families of the Milan metropolitan area, of the province of Monza and Brianza and of many territories have achieved savings on travel ranging from 20 to 30% and this without losing efficiency in service, quality in travel, capillarity and above all investments in new metros and extensions of existing ones".

“We are not 'Milan-centric' - Granelli further specifies -, indeed we want the Basin Agency to represent all the municipalities of the metropolitan city and the province of Monza and Brianza, which overall have around 4 million people, almost half of Lombardy. Nor are we raising questions about quotas or buying and selling. What interests us is that the Public Transport Agency remains able to work well and represent everyone, to grow the service and to launch tenders with maximum balance and transparency.

We do not want exclusively political or armchair reasons to influence a service that is fundamental to the lives of people and businesses. If this is the case, we will be ready to look for the tools to prevent the local public transport managed by ATM from becoming inefficient like that of Trenord".

Updated: 26/11/2019