Digital transformation. Preliminary consultation for the search for personnel management software

Digital transformation. Preliminary consultation for the search for personnel management software

The requested documentation must be sent by Friday 7 June

Milan, June 5 2019 – The Municipality of Milan has launched a preliminary market consultation to verify the presence of personnel management information systems.

The software will have to allow the complete management of the entire life cycle of the staff, which includes approximately 15 thousand employees, 8 thousand pensioners and two thousand annual scholarship holders and collaborators, and will have to satisfy some specifications: allow the management of all contractual institutions, the use expected for at least 800 operators and the management of different user profiles without constraints on simultaneous access.

It must also comply with the interoperability standards of the Municipality of Milan, ensure IT integration between all processes, so that the various activities carried out are correlated and monitorable, it must be scalable and modular, available entirely in Italian and guarantee complete compliance to the legislation relating to the GDPR.

The software must be available "turnkey" and must include a customization service, training of system operators, maintenance, support for data migration and any support for operational management activities.

Interested parties must send the requested documentation by 12pm on Friday 7 June via PEC to the address siad.


Updated: 10/06/2019