Smog. From Tuesday 23 February first level measures will be active

Smog. From Tuesday 23 February first level measures will be active

Milan, February 22 2021 – The exceeding of the first threshold of PM10 values ​​was certified by ARPA and published today on the Lombardy Region website. Therefore, starting from tomorrow, Tuesday 23 February, the first level temporary and emergency measures will be active in Milan for the improvement of air quality as established by the Air Plan of the Po Valley and the Lombardy Region.

The temporary and emergency measures of the Regional Air Plan are triggered when PM10 concentration levels exceed the value of 50 μg/m3 for four consecutive days, they are activated within the day following the control day (Tuesday or Friday) and remain in force until the return of the criticality levels is verified.


Updated: 22/02/2021