Smart cities. In September, with the Green forum, Milan will become the capital of ideas for the environment 

Smart cities. In September, with the Green forum, Milan will become the capital of ideas for the environment 

Tajani: “The opportunities offered by the green economy, and more generally by all collaborative practices, can represent new ways of understanding and doing business”

Milan, July 24 2019 - Milano sempre più polo attrattivo per le idee e i progetti legati alle tematiche ambientali. Si terrà dal 12 al 14 settembre, presso gli spazi di Milano Congressi, la prima edizione del Milano Green forum, il laboratorio culturale dedicato a tematiche di attualità che spaziano dall’economia circolare, al design passando per la valorizzazione delle nuove forme energetiche, sino alla comunicazione e alle nuove possibilità occupazionali offerte dai green job. A illustrare i contenuti della manifestazione, questa mattina a Palazzo Marino, l’assessore alla Politiche per il lavoro, Attività produttive, Commercio e Smart city, Cristina Tajani con Costanza Kenda, portavoce del Milano Green forum.

“Initiatives like these contribute to making Milan the national point of reference on environmental issues and new economic models based on the circular economy and sharing”. Thus comments councilor Tajani, who continues: "The opportunities offered by the green economy, and more generally by all collaborative practices, can represent new ways of understanding and doing business, since they generate modern forms of community and modern economic processes of which we must take into account and make the best use of it."

The organizers, in a completely new and dynamic format, wanted to place the environment at the center of the three days and highlight how these themes affect every aspect of daily life, highlighting their transversal and permeating character. A cultural project which, thanks also to the participation of international speakers and the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, intends to make the Lombard capital emerge as a hub of innovation and hotbed of ideas in the sector of sustainability and attention to the entire green world.

Milano Green forum, thanks to an unconventional structure, will allow the public to participate in different types of activities. There are three conference formats designed to involve different types of audiences: Eureka, in which innovation and research projects are presented to buyers; Environmental legislation, a full-day overview of environmental legislative discipline and the Plenaries, during which representatives of the corporate world and international speakers will answer questions from the audience/moderator. Furthermore, the Fuori green format will offer the visitor the opportunity to enjoy a film festival dedicated to environmental themes and available at the cinema Citylife Antaeus.

“The Milan Green forum will be a permanent laboratory to reflect on the relationship in urban contexts between public administration, businesses, the third sector and citizens on the topic of the environment. A cultural project - continues Federico Manca, Project Manager of the Milan Green forum - which aspires to increase awareness in the subjects involved and generate new forms of sharing knowledge and good practices aimed at creating transparent advocacy actions and the conditions necessary for a fruitful discussion between different stakeholders to develop common strategies".

Three days dedicated to the environment, where companies, public administration, third sector and citizens will be actively involved, thanks to different languages ​​and activities, in a new space of training and information, aware of the repercussions that individual behaviors have on the entire ecosystem .

For further information, consult the website Milan Green forum.


Updated: 24/07/2019