We were born to walk. From 12 to 16 April the ninth edition to promote sustainable mobility in home-school journeys

We were born to walk. From 12 to 16 April the ninth edition to promote sustainable mobility in home-school journeys

Milan, 9 April 2021 – From 12 to 16 April the project that promotes the use of alternative means to the private car for home-school routes and to improve the relationship between children and their neighborhood returns for its 9th edition. .

This year, over 13 children from 45 primary and kindergarten schools will participate in the initiative created and curated by Genitori Antismog, with the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, the support of the Fondazione di Comunità Milano and thanks to the contribution of Banco BPM , Giochi Precious/Go Pop together with the technical sponsors Ludilabel, FIAB Ciclobby Milano, Collettivo Clown, Le museanti and WAAM tours.

With the slogan "One step after another, from the neighborhood to the world", the objective of the edition is to stimulate reflection on the role of neighborhood relationships in the lives of children and on how to strengthen their network of knowledge, becoming part of a community of people that feels responsible for its smallest members. A topic that is more relevant and relevant than ever, in a period in which children have been living for a year now with the consequences of an abrupt change in the school context and in relationships outside the home, particularly in the neighbourhood. Moving on foot, by bicycle or by public transport gives the opportunity to meet, get to know each other, develop a sense of belonging and identity towards one's community and neighbourhood.

"Congratulations to the tenacity of the organizers - declares the councilor for Mobility Marco Granelli -. In a year of great uncertainties We were born to walk represents a hope of normality for our children. We are working on an approach that re-establishes a new balance in the use of streets and squares, giving more space to pedestrians and cyclists, to reduce traffic. Thus the city becomes more liveable and people enjoy going out, moving, being in the square, stopping in bars and shops minutes means this, not being forced to move by car because the services are closer but also because, as these girls and boys teach us by example, it is now possible to choose alternative, active, safe and sustainable mobility".

"Never more than in the last year – adds Education Councilor Laura Galimberti – has not only emerged the importance, but above all the need to focus on alternative and sustainable mobility and the Administration has tried to encourage this process and support the families, for example by establishing new car-free zones near schools, which must continue through play, aiming to raise awareness among the youngest citizens little girls discovering their neighborhood and their city".

"We are happy to support this initiative – comments Umberto Ambrosoli, President of Banca Aletti and the BPM Foundation – which contributes to educating the little ones while having fun. A city that limits the use of the car is a happier and more self-respecting city itself Going to school on foot, by bicycle or by public transport becomes a walk, a small trip that allows children to perceive the city on their own terms, raises their awareness of the environment and makes them feel an integral and active part of the community. own neighborhood. Positively stimulating the little ones with these initiatives allows us to have citizens who are more aware of their surroundings in the future."

We were born to walk is a game project on the theme of sustainable mobility aimed at pupils in public and private primary and nursery schools in the city of Milan. For a week, from 12 to 16 April 2021, children are invited to go to school on foot, by bicycle, skateboard, scooter, by public transport, to fill in the board every day on how they came to school and, in the meantime, rework the SNPC 20 board game | 21. From 17 to 30 April all classes, by sending a photo of the SNPC 20 | 21 reworked by them, they can participate in the creative competition which rewards those who have best interpreted the theme of the edition. The online awards event is scheduled for the second half of May. The prizes include the possibility of accessing workshops on the themes of sustainable mobility and culture, made available by FIAB Ciclobby Milano and Collettivo Clown, and guided outdoor tours with fun explorations made available by Le Museanti and WAAM Tours.

In addition, from 19 April to the end of the school year, each school can organize a competition on home-school mobility within its complex and reward the 3 most virtuous classes with certificates and each of their pupils with a retro-reflective sticker to move around safer. on the street when it gets dark.

Updated: 09/04/2021