Civic services. The Municipality donates a copy of the constitution to the newly eighteen-year-olds in Milan

Civic services. The Municipality donates a copy of the constitution to the newly eighteen-year-olds in Milan

Councilor Romani: "A special welcome in the community of adults to a generation that has the right to be protagonists, also through full knowledge of the founding rights and duties of our Republic"  

Milan, March 13 2022 – The Council approved a resolution for the implementation of the initiative promoted by the Department of Civic and General Services, which provides for the distribution of 13.500 free copies of the Constitution to newly eighteen-year-old Italians and foreigners born in Italy and resident in Milan.  

The objective is to enhance the active citizenship of the young generations in the life of the country, through the reading of the Constitutional Charter, the main tool with which to fully understand and appreciate the value of struggles and sacrifices that guaranteed the conquest of democracy and which today it safeguards inviolable rights and mandatory duties, including that of voting.

“I belong to a generation that has paid a very high price for this pandemic – states the councilor for civic and general services Gaia Romani -. Young people, more than others, have given up on socializing and sharing, too often forced into true isolation. This is why girls and boys will now be the protagonists of an initiative aimed at increasing participation and active citizenship. The Constitution represents a compass that gives us the coordinates to orient ourselves and accompanies us in the fundamental stages of our life, among which there is certainly voting, through the knowledge of rights, duties and responsibilities: 139 articles in which principles and values ​​of the our Republic, democratic and anti-fascist, which guarantee those freedoms, almost taken for granted, that we enjoy every day. An initiative – concludes Romani – which takes on an even deeper value in this time marked by a war in the heart of our Europe, and which must push us to constantly search for peace”.  

The Constitution, designed to give a special welcome to 13.500 newly eighteen-year-olds (of which approximately 12.500 with Italian citizenship and 1.500 without Italian citizenship) into the community of civic rights and duties, will be sent together with a letter signed by councilor Romani. In the one addressed to children born in Italy to foreign parents, the methods for acquiring Italian citizenship are explained, while those who are already Italian citizens are also accompanied by the electoral card at the same time.  

The first shipment will be carried out in the period between the end of March and the beginning of April, while the second shipment is scheduled for the month of September. 


Updated: 13/03/2022