School. Temporary modules for school classrooms, the Municipality's invitation to companies that create them

School. Temporary modules for school classrooms, the Municipality's invitation to companies that create them

Councilor Limonta: "Negotiated procedures soon for the 50 structures that will welcome students in September"

Milan, July 16 2020 – The Notice for the establishment of a list of economic operators to be invited to the negotiated procedures for the supply and turnkey installation of temporary modules intended for school classrooms and ancillary rooms has been published on the website of the Municipality of Milan.

The notice will remain open until 31 December 2020, but the Administration will be able to launch the first invitation procedure starting from next 22 July. The invitation will be addressed to at least 10 subjects if there are suitable candidates.

The commissioner powers of the Mayor, explained in the Guidelines for the awarding and implementation of interventions in school buildings, allow the use of the negotiated procedure for the awarding of works, without publication of a tender notice. This procedure reduces the waiting times necessary to start the interventions 

The same document provides, for supply contracts with the installation of temporary modules for schools, the establishment of a specific list, always open, of economic operators operating in the sector, to be invited in compliance with the principles of non-discrimination, equality of treatment, proportionality, transparency and rotation.

“The mayor's commissioner powers – explains Paolo Limonta, councilor for school buildings – allow us to reduce the times for the assignment, starting as soon as possible with the negotiated procedure for the construction of the 50 temporary structures necessary to house the girls and boys . Only recently have the guidelines for the reopening of classes in September been defined in detail, which have allowed us to have a clearer picture of the needs of Milanese schools. As soon as we had this information, we started to start the procedures to create these modules."

The published notice provides for the "turnkey" supply, i.e. inclusive of the design, construction, transport, installation and connection activities of the prefabricated buildings, the preparation of the installation plan on any identified surface, the supply of site electricity, the connections electricity and water to the school's infrastructure networks, in addition to the necessary certifications.

"The notice also requests the possibility of dismantling or reassembling the prefabricated buildings for possible subsequent reuse during periods of normal activity. We have chosen the 'turnkey' supply - continues Limonta - to reduce, in addition to the assignment times, also those of the construction which remain in the hands of a single entity. We have also foreseen the possibility of them being moved to other places: these structures are now used for emergencies, but they can be used to host students of schools where the renovation works are not will allow the presence of people and it will therefore be necessary to move entire classes".

The maximum contractual amount envisaged in the first framework agreement subject to reduction is estimated at 3 million 740 thousand euros, VAT charges at 22% and other expenses included.

Notice for the establishment of a list of economic operators to be invited to negotiated procedures for the supply and turnkey installation of temporary modules intended for school classrooms and ancillary rooms

Updated: 16/07/2020