Neighborhoods. Over two million euros for the development and growth of Lorenteggio

Neighborhoods. Over two million euros for the development and growth of Lorenteggio

Training, support for self-entrepreneurship and housing redevelopment to revive the area. Tajani and Rabaiotti: "We invest in people's ability to offer neighborhood services and activities capable of responding to the needs of the neighborhood"

Milan, 27 December 2019 – Training, support for self-entrepreneurship and urban redevelopment: these are the assets identified by the Administration to encourage the development and growth of the Lorenteggio district.

Presented on December 27th at Palazzo Marino the plan of interventions worth over 2 million euros aimed at the inhabitants of the area and anyone who wants to do business and invest in the future of the neighborhood.

Illustrating the contents of the interventions were the Councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce Cristina Tajani and the Councilor for Social and Housing Policies Gabriele Rabaiotti with Stefano Bolognini, Councilor for Social, Housing and Disability Policies of the Lombardy Region and Maurizio Del Conte, President of metropolitan AFOL.

"To impact the development capabilities of a neighborhood, a single action is not enough - comments councilor Tajani -, the interpretation that we have tried to give of Lorenteggio with the realities of the territory has suggested us to enhance the rich social fabric and graft it of economic capacity. We are trying to give everyone a path modeled as much as possible on individual needs to find a good job, whether employee or entrepreneurial, as long as it starts from people's abilities, helps them grow and frees their energies. Therefore training, accompaniment, economic support for those who get involved, but also aid for the fabric of local businesses as is already happening in other areas of the city thanks to initiatives such as the neighborhood school. Now we need everyone's action to bring the information and resources where they are needed."

"The objective of the regeneration of Giambellino-Lorenteggio requires the composition and integration between different policies, interventions and tools - declares the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti -. It is a complicated but necessary job in order to be able to give adequate responses to the articulation of questions, keeping together different actions that also take care of activating citizens and local networks, the true protagonists of the neighborhood and its future".

“In a context where Lorenteggio was the subject of a program agreement between the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milan and ALER Milan, with a total investment of over 100 million euros for the building and urban redevelopment of an entire neighborhood which sees the presence of various redevelopment and overall improvement actions of urban quality - declares the councilor for social, housing and disability policies of the Lombardy Region Stefano Bolognini -, it becomes essential to also provide a social accompaniment program aimed at promoting social and working inclusion of its inhabitants. Only in this way will it be possible to implement a real overall urban regeneration action, which we are experimenting in 33 other peripheral neighborhoods of some large cities, but also in smaller urban contexts in our region, with excellent results".

A large intervention programme, worth over 2 million euros, which is made up of two interventions ranging from support for active employment policies to professional retraining for the most fragile or unemployed individuals up to support for self-entrepreneurship and the revitalization of the urban fabric and economical in the neighborhood.

The first intervention called "Lorenteggio Project: living, working and doing business in the neighborhood" can count on a total allocation of 1 million euros deriving from POR FSE 2014-2020 funding as part of the program agreement between the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milan and ALER. Specifically, 600 thousand euros are intended for the implementation of active employment policies: from moments of professional orientation for the consolidation of skills to actual professional courses, passing from training to job search support up to coaching activities, tutoring, empowerment personalized to the specific needs of the recipients.

The remaining 400 thousand euros are intended, however, for the economic support of the subjects, whether they are Italian citizens or not (foreigners in possession of a regular residence permit), unemployed over the age of 18 and residing in the streets of Lorenteggio, Inganni, Giambellino and Odazio who decide to participate in the cycle of orientation activities and will be paid in the form of an allowance, the amount of which per individual participant is proportionate to the number of training hours actually attended. The implementation of the training part relating to the courses and the accompanying phase is entirely carried out by AFOL Metropolitana at its centers starting from the month of January.

The second intervention is aimed at the creation and development of social impact businesses in the Lorenteggio district, and can count on overall resources of 1,2 million euros deriving from funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014 2020. The project is aims to support businesses - both profit and non-profit - capable of having a positive social impact through the creation of jobs, the socio-economic revitalization of the area and the provision of new services to respond to the social needs of the community . The notice will be published in the first months of 2020 and will be aimed at both aspiring entrepreneurs and existing businesses with non-repayable contributions up to a maximum of 100.000 euros.

A broad and varied action plan that implements the work carried out by the social laboratory Lorenteggio MILO Lab. In the neighbourhood, in fact, affected by a complex urban development plan with the aim of redeveloping the historic neighborhood of public housing, it has been active since this summer the Social Laboratory which, also financed with POR ESF funds for 950 thousand euros, has the task of approaching, informing, orienting and accompanying the inhabitants in the construction of the regeneration path, carrying out local supervision and support activities for families during the period of coexistence with the open construction sites and specifically taking care of monitoring the progress of the redevelopment program through the Social Accompaniment Service (Pas).

Lorenteggio is certainly very populous: in the quadrant between via Giambellino, Inganni, Lorenteggio and Odazio there are 2.700 public accommodations, for a total of approximately 8 thousand inhabitants (approximately 400 only the nuclei directly interested in the mobility plan for the buildings in route of demolition and reconstruction). In short, a point of reference for all the tenants who live in the neighborhood, whose headquarters, made available to the Municipality by ALER free of charge, is located in via Segneri/corner of via Giambellino 150.

In addition to the redevelopment of some buildings, as regards the works carried out by the Municipality, the plan includes the energy efficiency of the school in via Narcisi, the construction of the new library in via Odazio, the arrangement of some roads and pavements - this has already started the one in via Giambellino - and green spaces.

Updated: 27/12/2019