Neighborhoods. Gratosoglio, a protocol to improve waste management

Neighborhoods. Gratosoglio, a protocol to improve waste management

Milan, March 13 2022 - The guidelines relating to the Memorandum of Understanding for the definition of interventions aimed at the correct management of waste in the Gratosoglio district have been approved by the Municipal Council. The document will be signed by the Municipality of Milan, ALER Milan, Amsa, self-management and condominium administrators to address the problem of the incorrect transfer and storage of domestic waste in the neighbourhood.

The guidelines were drawn up following the mapping conducted by Amsa and the Municipality of Milan which made it possible to identify some critical issues. Through this Protocol, the Administration wants to combat and reduce the phenomenon of waste abandonment, also to prevent situations of urban degradation, establishing a relationship of collaboration and cooperation between the interested parties.

The main objectives of the Protocol will be to verify and increase the waste storage capacity offered with six new collection facilities; the implementation of tools for carrying out monitoring activities, for example the installation of video cameras supplied to the Local Police; the strengthening of controls to make sanctions for illicit behavior systematic; awareness campaigns towards towns and citizens on the methods and times of waste collection and the definition of joint strategies and actions between the promoting subjects.

“The Protocol aims to improve waste management and is a request made by many residents of the neighborhood who are tired of witnessing situations of degradation, particularly in the courtyards of public housing – declares Pierfrancesco Maran, councilor for housing –. Through the six new stations it will be easier to encourage correct waste collection. At the same time I believe it is crucial to increase awareness campaigns and sanction incorrect behaviour."

“Cleanliness in courtyards is an important component for the quality of people's lives – states Marco Granelli, Councilor for Safety –. We want to put all the tools in place to ensure it is guaranteed thanks also to the control of the territory and the technologies that can help prevent illicit behaviour."

“Together with Amsa, in addition to placing new waste collection points, we will implement communication actions aimed at the residents of the neighborhood to raise their awareness of the correct separation of waste – underlines the councilor for the Environment and Green, Elena Grandi –, aimed above all to counteract the bad habits of illegal unloading of bulkier ones. In the belief that every small daily gesture can contribute to maintaining a cleaner neighborhood that respects the urban environment and the residents themselves."


Updated: 13/03/2022