Procedure for verifying eligibility for the SEA relating to the proposed Variation to the Plan of Rules of the current PGT - Communication of making available of the Preliminary Report and convening of the Evaluation Conference.

Procedure for verifying eligibility for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) referring to the proposed Variant to the Rules Plan of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) having as its object the implementation of the "Variant to update the delimitation of the river bands of the Excerpt Plan for the Hydrogeological Structure (PAI) of the Po river basin" of the Seveso torrent with the subsequent updating of the hazard and risk maps of floodable areas of the PGRA, the modification of the art. 45, paragraph 3, of the implementation rules of the Rules Plan and the reduction of the buffer zones of the watercourses of the minor water network within the Mind-post-Expo area. Communication of making available of the Preliminary Report and convening of the Evaluation Conference.

Given and recalled that:

  • with resolution no. 427 of 01.04.2022, the Municipal Council approved the guidelines for starting the procedure, pursuant to art. 13 of LR 11 March 2005 n. 12 and smi, of formation, of the proposed variation to the Plan of Rules of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) and start of the related procedure for verifying eligibility for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA);
  • with documents Prot. 08/04/2022.0204187.I the Director of the General Urban Planning Area has decided to start the procedure for the variation to the Rules Plan of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) and start of the related verification procedure of subject to strategic environmental assessment (SEA);
  • with managerial determination n. 4086/2022 dated 23 May 2022, the competent subjects in environmental matters, the territorially interested bodies, the functionally interested subjects and the individual sectors of the public interested were identified;

with reference to the procedure for verifying eligibility for SEA in question, pursuant to art. 14 and following of Law 241/90 and subsequent amendments and Annex 1 to DGR n. IX/761 of 10 November 2010, in accordance with art. 14 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and in agreement with the Competent Authority

the Verification Conference is called structured as follows:

  • a first session, aimed at illustrating the Preliminary Report and the contents of the Variation, is convened on: Thursday 7 July 2022 at 10am
  • a second session, aimed at acquiring opinions, contributions and observations on the merits, is convened on: Friday 22 July 2022 at 10am

Both sessions will take place remotely via Microsoft Teams platform; in order to be able to prepare invitations and access for online meetings, the recipients of this document are asked to indicate, within three days of the event, one or more electronic addresses of the participants by writing an email to the address

In case of impossibility to participate, please send opinions, contributions and observations, by July 5, 2022, to one of the following email addresses: (PEC) -

The Preliminary Report with the relevant attachments (as per the list below), are made available - for the purposes of consultation and in view of the presentation at the first session of the Conference - through publication on the Sivas regional website, on the municipal website ( as well as deposited for free viewing at the municipal offices in via Sile, 8 on the 7th floor (General Urban Planning Area - Proceeding Authority) and on the 3rd floor (Water Resources and Environmental Hygiene Area - Competent Authority), in due course from 23 June 2022 until 22 July 2022 with the following opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 16:00.

List of documentation made available:

  • Annex 1 to the Preliminary Report - Programmatic and planning framework of reference
  • Annex 2 to the Preliminary Report - Territorial and environmental framework of reference
  • Attachment 3 to the Preliminary Report - Simplified screening format of V.Inc.A

For information and registration: 02.884466565

Preliminary report and attachments

Published on: 23/06/2022