Presidency of the municipal council. The Milan summer school on the well-being and sustainability of cities is born, organized by ASviS in collaboration with the Municipality and with the participation of Milanese universities and the ENI Enrico Mattei Foundation

Presidency of the municipal council. The Milan summer school on the well-being and sustainability of cities is born, organized by ASviS in collaboration with the Municipality and with the participation of Milanese universities and the ENI Enrico Mattei Foundation

The advanced training school, dedicated to local municipal administrators, teachers, doctoral students and associations dealing with territorial policies, will take place in Milan from 31 August to 7 September

Milan, June 10 2019 - Provide high-profile and qualified training on the topics of well-being and sustainability, paying particular attention to the future of cities. This is the main objective of the "Summer school on the well-being and sustainability of cities 2019", presented today at Palazzo Marino and organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) in collaboration with “Milano 2046” (Laboratory on the future of the city promoted by the Presidency of the City Council) and, for the first time, with the participation of universities in the Milan area (Bicocca , Bocconi, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Humanitas, IULM, Statale, Politecnico, San Raffaele) and the ENI Enrico Mattei Foundation (FEEM).

“Thanks to the collaboration between the most important academic institutions of the city together with ASviS, a project that looks to the future of cities starts from Milan – declares the president of the city council Lamberto Bertolè -. The objective is to provide administrators, teachers and scholars with tools and knowledge useful for governing territories, developing policies based on sustainability and well-being and promoting awareness of the centrality of these issues. The synergy between public and private also confirms in the case of the Summer school the ability to network in our territory, an element of which we are proud".

Sustainable development goals

“Quality training is a fundamental objective for spreading knowledge of the 2030 Agenda and is essential for spreading the culture of sustainability among public decision makers so that they promote integrated policies - comments the ASviS Spokesperson, Enrico Giovannini -. At ASviS we have long been committed to creating advanced training courses, in synergy with universities, companies and professional associations, because we believe that effective policies, good administration and correct information pass through knowledge of the phenomena and the reading of them in their complexity".

The summer school welcomes 50 participants, including local public administrators, teachers from schools of all levels and universities, doctoral students and representatives of organizations and associations dealing with territorial policies. The School will be held from 31 August to 7 September at the headquarters of the Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation. The Residence of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan will provide hospitality to non-residents.

Milano2048Registration applications must be sent by June 28th via the website Milano2046 or the site ASviS by filling out the appropriate form, accompanied by a CV and cover letter. The participation fee is 400 euros and includes accommodation and teaching materials. At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be issued to the school.

The Summer school involves a hybrid learning method (blended learning) that combines classroom activities with mediated activities (e-learning) and project activities. The teaching plan will be divided into three main areas:

  1. know (knowledge) - transmit to participants the skills necessary to understand, in a systemic and integrated way, the concepts related to well-being and sustainable development.
  2. know-how (skills and tools) - develop skills to study, address and plan the future of cities (mapping the present, defining future objectives, simulation methods, evaluating scenarios, etc.).
  3. know how to be (attitudes, values) - deepen the philosophical, psychological, anthropological, ethical themes that stimulate the predisposition for the common good and sustainability as lenses through which to look at the world.

For further information, consult the website Milano2046  or write to

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Updated: 10/06/2019