Local police. Strengthening the neighborhood police service: mobile patrols in every municipality, more visible officers and with more vehicles

Local police. Strengthening the neighborhood police service: mobile patrols in every municipality, more visible officers and with more vehicles

Milan, November 13 2019 - Strengthen the neighborhood police service with the strengthening of the available vehicles, the implementation of new mobile patrols and a periodic report of the activities to be presented to the Municipalities.
This is the path presented by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Security, Anna Scavuzzo, to the presidents of the Municipality together with the Commander of the Local Police Marco Ciacci.

The new proposal follows an analysis of the service performed and the reports collected in the assemblies in the Municipalities.

“We want to continue working with the Neighborhood Police, strengthening their action – explains Deputy Mayor Anna Scavuzzo – such as starting a closer relationship with the territory and improving direct dialogue with citizens. We also want to respond to the critical issues reported and progressively reorganize the activities in order to make them more visible and even more effective".

The Administration is finally able to deploy the new mobile units, which will be active in all Municipalities by the end of January. They will be a further point of reference to which citizens can bring reports and will change location every four months. With the strengthening of the vehicles available, unless there are emergencies managed by the Command, the 'district vehicles' will be used for support activities within the Municipality so as not to distract them from the territory of competence.

An experiment was also presented, which will initially start in Municipality 6, which plans to expand the service throughout the territory of the Municipality divided into three macro areas of intervention. The activity will be carried out mainly by car, which will allow you to pass through each neighborhood at least once a day, and on foot in sensitive points of the neighborhoods identified together with the Municipality and the decentralized Area Command. Slow patrolling, with frequent stops, together with the planned interventions, will allow us not to lose contact with citizens and at the same time to patrol the entire territory rather than a portion of it.

The trial will begin in December and will last 4 months. At the end of each month, with the reports of their activity, it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the service and the progressive extension of the new model to the other Municipalities.


Updated: 14/11/2019