Polizia locale. Nel 2019 rilevate 3 milioni 125mila infrazioni al codice della strada

Polizia locale. Nel 2019 rilevate 3 milioni 125mila infrazioni al codice della strada

Milan, May 27 2020 – Nel 2019 la Polizia locale del Comune di Milano ha rilevato 3 milioni 125mila infrazioni al Codice della strada, circa 322mila meno dell'anno precedente.

“Confrontando i dati osserviamo un rispetto crescente delle regole del Codice della strada da parte di tutti – commenta la vicesindaco e assessore alla Sicurezza Anna Scavuzzo – apprezzabile anche per quel che riguarda la velocità che registra un calo importante: è questo infatti l'obiettivo principale della posa degli autovelox, far sì che le persone stiano maggiormente attente su quelle strade molto ampie di ingresso alla città dove aumenta la tentazione di andare veloce”.

Those who drove in 2019 respected speed limits much more: the violations detected almost halved, going from 712.533 to 383.660. The major items in decline, in addition to those relating to speed, concern parking and stopping where not permitted, which went from 537.850 to 531.365, infringements for going through red lights or without respecting stop signs (from 38.752 to 35.924) and those concerning the lack of vehicle inspections (from 6.678 to 4.985). Furthermore, the number of motorists sanctioned for driving on a mobile phone without using earphones went from 4.343 to 2.375, and the number of motorists sanctioned for not fastening their seat belt or using adequate restraint systems for children went from 1.609 to 1.266.

Also decreasing are the penalties for lack of traffic documents (from 3.512 to 2.685), the number of people found drunk or under the influence of drugs (from 736 to 659), the penalties for lack of insurance (from 4.363 to 3.739), for driving without a license or with a suspended license (from 837 to 714) and for lack or malfunction of brakes and lights (from 948 to 742).

However, infringements regarding traffic bans in the city are increasing, going from 2 million 13 thousand to 2 million 64 thousand. There was a slight increase in those who do not respect the right of way (from 1.323 to 1.393), the sanctions for tampering with tachographs (from 8 to 86) and for incorrect behavior towards pedestrians (from 560 to 595), as well as the sanctions for incorrect behavior of pedestrians themselves (from 234 to 315).

Updated: 27/05/2020