Local police. The former school in via Zama has been made safe

Local police. The former school in via Zama has been made safe


The abandoned institute will be cleaned up and entrusted to Amsa 

Milan, August 3 2021 - Intervention this morning by the Local Police, with the collaboration of Amsa, the municipal social services, the State Police, the Fire Brigade, the Civil Protection and health personnel, for the safety of the former "Giuseppe" school institute Mazzini", a long-abandoned property in via Zama 23, in Municipality 4.  
The officers found 16 illegal occupants on site, eight of whom were accompanied to the offices because they did not have documents.
The safety measures were necessary to proceed with the cleaning of the area. The Municipality has in fact decided to give the building management to Amsa, which will guarantee a security service. In the meantime, the school will be guarded by the Local Police.

"As anticipated a few days ago, we are intervening in via Zama to restore to the neighbourhood, with the aim of redeveloping it, a building that has been abandoned for too long - states the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Security Anna Scavuzzo -. The commissioning activities have already started safety and cleanliness and we are working to rethink this space making it useful for the neighborhood. I thank the agents of the Local Police, the State Police, the operators of the Social and Health Services, as well as of Amsa, for the professionalism with which they have provided. such a delicate operation is possible."



Updated: 03/08/2021