Social Policies. ColorAid is back, with the Volta high school to make emergency homes more beautiful

Social Policies. ColorAid is back, with the Volta high school to make emergency homes more beautiful

Milan, March 16 2021 - The fifth edition of ColorAid has started, the ethical building project promoted by the specialized publications Radio Colore and Colore & Hobby, which through color unites companies in the construction sector in actions to redevelop structures useful to the community. Like every year, ColorAid puts itself at the service of society and gives the community a new face to a structure that is a home for those who don't have one.

For this edition, the mini hub in Viale Ortles was identified, not far from Casa Jannacci: five large apartments owned by the municipality reserved for the temporary reception of families with minors in difficulty who, thanks also to the involvement of the students of the Alessandro Volta scientific high school, by the weekend they will be rearranged, redeveloped and redesigned from a chromatic point of view. The works will also concern the stairwell, the most damaged portions of the facades and the common parts of the building.

“The project is an artistic and civic laboratory - say the deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo and the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - of great educational and social value also for the valuable participation of the students, with the common objective of bringing color and warmth in places dedicated to families in serious difficulty. It is important that these people can live in comfortable homes, beautified also with the solidarity commitment of ColorAid". 

In past editions the interventions involved, in order, the renovation of Casa Accoglienza Arché, which hosts several mother-child families in need of support, two SPRAR centers in Caronno Pertusella, the Cherasco Day Center for the Disabled, a place which welcomes during the day for people with serious disabilities to improve the quality of their lives, and finally the historic Abbey of Mirasole complex intended to accommodate people in housing difficulty. 

ColorAid always works in the name of enhancing homes and enhancing the well-being of those who live there and, starting from the assumption that color can contribute to improving them, intervenes by painting and beautifying, as well as with small renovations, where necessary. And it thus demonstrates how the world of color is able to place itself at the service of society by promoting and creating a new sustainable business model, based on civic commitment in support of the community: industries, retailers, associations and operators, all united to improve the condition of those in difficulty.

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Updated: 16/03/2021