Social policies. Tuesday 29 October Rabaiotti at the final conference of the GESI project on unaccompanied minors

Social policies. Tuesday 29 October Rabaiotti at the final conference of the GESI project on unaccompanied minors

Milan, 28 October 2019 – Tomorrow, Tuesday 29 October, at 17pm in progress Plebisciti 30, the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti will speak at the press conference organized by the Terrenuove cooperative at the conclusion of the GESI project (Group, experiences, integrative society ), promoted in collaboration with the Cariplo Foundation and dedicated to unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA). 

Also participating will be Anna Rotondo and Roberto Bestazza from Terrenuove, Barbara Lucchesi, social worker of the Municipality of Milan and coordinator of the Msna service, Martina Maffei, manager of one of the Martinitt communities, Angelo Pugliese, coordinator of the cooperative's "Il Seme" community for minors Farsi Prossimo, Emanuela De Vecchi and Livia Tomassini, volunteer guardians for Msna.


Updated: 28/10/2019