Social policies. The working group for the drafting of the new local action plan starts on Monday 30 September in Milan

Social policies. The working group for the drafting of the new local action plan starts on Monday 30 September in Milan

Milan, September 27 2019 - The establishment of the working table for the implementation of the Local Action Plans (PAL), aimed at promoting the integration of the Roma, Sinti and Traveling communities (RCS), begins in Milan.

On Monday 30 September, the Municipality of Milan, as beneficiary of the system actions envisaged by the PON Inclusion 2014-2020, will meet the project staff of the Action "Pilot interventions for the creation of tables and networks of stakeholders involved in various capacities with the RSC, Roma, Sinti and Camanti communities, in order to encourage the participation of Roma in social, political, economic and civic life", promoted by UNAR, the National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office of the Equal Opportunities Department.

The project involves eight metropolitan cities - Bari, Catania, Cagliari, Genoa, Messina, Milan, Naples, Rome - called to draw up eight distinct local action plans over the next 12 months, which include specific management models aimed at the participation of Roma, Sinti and Travelers to social, political, economic and civic life.

During the meeting in Milan, the results of the mapping relating to the characteristics of the Roma groups present in the area and the analysis of the needs and critical issues that emerged in the first phase of the project will be presented.

After having shared and analyzed this overall picture, we will proceed to share the working methodology of the tables and, above all, to define their composition which must include the communities, associations and informal groups of Roma, Sinti and Travelers, but also social enterprises, voluntary associations, law enforcement agencies, the world of schools, work and institutions.

The local tables, thus composed, will implement and update the work of the tables already active or activated in the past, with the aim of articulating the local action plan.

The action "Pilot interventions for the creation of tables and networks of stakeholders involved in various capacities with the RSC, Sinti and Traveling Roma communities, in order to encourage the participation of Roma in social, political, economic and civic life" is implemented by Temporary business association composed of NOVA ONLUS, National Consortium for Social Innovation (leader) and the partners Fondazione Casa della carità Angelo Abriani, Associazione 21 Luglio, Fondazione Romani Italia, with the supervision of the Equal Opportunities Department -UNAR.

Updated: 27/09/2019