Youth policies. Teencity projects to strengthen ties between kids and neighborhoods are underway

Youth policies. Teencity projects to strengthen ties between kids and neighborhoods are underway

Three experiments between Stadera, Baggio and Loreto-Buenos Aires-Venice will involve around 400 adolescents, as well as families, educators, teachers and citizens

Milan, February 27 2021 – Strengthen adolescents' sense of belonging to the local community, encourage the sharing of experiences and knowledge among young people, promote preventive actions to combat petty crime. These are some of the objectives of the three "Teencity" projects, initiatives financed thanks to the funds of Law 285/97 and which are starting in the city area. In particular, the activities will take place in neighborhoods characterized by particular social vulnerability, Stadera, Baggio and Loreto-Buenos Aires-Venice, and will involve around 400 adolescents, as well as families, educators, teachers and citizens. 

Various activities are planned and aimed at children in the 11-18 age group: educational workshops dedicated to the promotion of psycho-physical well-being, the care of relationships and the territory but also sport, music, the environment and the development of business ideas; urban redevelopment micro-interventions; intergenerational and intercultural comparison paths; public events aimed at citizens with the active involvement of young people and local networks; involvement of young people in local web marketing activities to enhance the commercial or associative activities of the neighbourhood. An educational objective for the youngest, but also of safety and social cohesion for the city. 

“The Teencity project - declare the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Security Anna Scavuzzo and the Councilor for Education and Youth Policies Laura Galimberti - focuses on two themes that the Administration has set as priorities: attention to young people and care of the neighborhoods, in the perspective of the polycentric city, in which the well-being of all arises from the responsibility of each one. A logic that the Municipality could not develop without the precious help of a very active third sector network with which collaboration and exchanges are constant. Today we are starting an experiment in three neighborhoods, intending to broaden our horizon to the whole city." 

The projects 

Teencity Steelyard is organized by Cooperativa Sociale Zero5, Cooperativa Sociale Lo Scrigno and Cooperativa Sociale Piccolo Principe which aim to activate the protagonism of young people, the valorisation of talents and resources, the care of the territory, the reappropriation of spaces. This is a project at the service of girls and boys to return to building together, in close connection with the associations and realities that animate the Stadera district. All the activities (workshops, experiential courses, urban regeneration interventions) will be described through the preparation of a blog.  


Teencity Baggio is organized by Consorzio SiR – Solidarietà in Rete. The first digital workshops have already begun in collaboration with some local educational agencies with the aim of starting relationships with children through an equal approach. The first contacts were also made with the neighborhood traders to map their activity on social media and carry out web marketing activities with young people. Furthermore, training actions aimed at the adult world are being planned to better understand the languages ​​and behaviors of digital natives with the aim of breaking gaps and stereotypes regarding the use of social media by adolescents.  


Teencity Loreto-Venice is edited by Coop. Social Space Ireos, Coop. Social Integration Project, Pollicino Association and Onlus Parents Crisis Centre. The project has launched actions to prevent school dropout and cultural integration in agreement with some schools in the area through three study support spaces and accompanying courses with cultural mediators. To date, thanks to these actions, 34 pre-adolescents from the Ciresola and Giacosa ICS and 11 teenagers from the Caravaggio high school have been reached. Furthermore, actions are being launched to combat the phenomena of bullying and cyberbullying carried out in class groups, in order to reach a larger number of children, and activities to support psychological well-being aimed at both young people and their educational figures. The project is developing a work of mapping the places of spontaneous aggregation in the territory and the resources to be involved in the project action "LaST - Work, Sociality and Territory", whose objective is to bring young people closer to the territory through the knowledge of traders and professionals who live it, also from a job orientation perspective. 

Updated: 27/02/2021