Housing policies. Previous arrears in public housing, the deadlines for the repayment plan are reopened

Housing policies. Previous arrears in public housing, the deadlines for the repayment plan are reopened

Another year to join. Rabaiotti: “The objective is to reach as many tenants as possible”

Milan, May 10 2020 - Reopening of the deadlines for the voluntary debt repayment plan for tenants of municipal public housing managed by MM. This is the content of the proposed resolution approved in the last meeting of the Council, which in the coming weeks will have to pass through the City Council for discussion and definitive adoption. 

The recovery plan considers the arrears accrued from 2003 until 31 December 2016, in addition to the billing called "extraordinary 2016" and related default, whose payment deadlines had been deferred to 2017, for a total of approximately 180 million euros . The plan provides for the possibility of deferring payments up to a maximum of 120 installments, each of which cannot exceed one eighth of the monthly income of the household in question, as established by the council resolution of October 2017.

The deadlines for joining the plan, opened in May 2018 and whose closure had already been extended, closed on 30 June 2019. Now the proposal is to reopen them for another year. 

“The data we have so far tell us that we can and must move forward - says the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti -. For this reason we want to insist on trying to reach as many tenants as possible, also in consideration of the fact that, before this campaign of ours, the percentage relating to return was historically stable around 3. With this resolution we are also making some changes to further facilitate the adhesion to the pact, technical details which we hope will broaden the audience”. 

In particular, the ownership of partial shares of properties will no longer be considered an obstacle to membership and the possibility of accessing extraordinary installment payments will be extended to categories not previously admitted, such as holders of terminated contracts or their heirs. Illegal occupants, those who have lost their qualifications due to the loss of the requirements, as well as renters of properties intended for different uses, are excluded from the agreed debt recovery procedure.
During the first year of the opening of the terms, over 8.600 expressions of interest were collected from defaulting tenants, for a total amount of intercepted debt equal to approximately 75 million euros, while another approximately 6.400 potentially interested tenants did not start the procedure . 

The proposal to reopen the deadlines for adhering to the plan arises as part of the new season inaugurated by the Administration and the MM manager, and also consolidated by the communication campaign "Our commitment, our homes" launched last year to give voice to a new pact between owners and tenants, based on greater transparency and mutual collaboration. 

Thus the long-standing and complex issue of previous arrears resumes, which on the one hand engaged the Municipality and all the trade unions in a long negotiation which led to the signing of the memorandum of understanding which facilitates and regulates the process of recovering the arrears and safeguards the most fragile positions, and on the other hand has involved significant and widespread work on the part of the Administration and MM to reorganize and verify the personal and income data relating to the tenants, as well as to initiate and investigate the procedures.


Updated: 10/05/2020