Open squares. More beautiful, safer and greener: Piazza Sicilia redeveloped

Open squares. More beautiful, safer and greener: Piazza Sicilia redeveloped

The tactical urban planning intervention was completed in recent days with the coloring of the flooring and the installation of benches and planters. The collaboration agreement has been signed with the associations that will take care of the new space

Milan, October 26 2020 – Piazza Sicilia redeveloped. The renovation works of approximately one thousand square meters have been completed in recent days, including via Seprio and Sacco, included in the "Open squares" project, which has already regenerated many public spaces in many neighborhoods of the city with tactical urban planning interventions and Patti of collaboration between citizens and the Municipality.

Even in Piazza Sicilia, great attention was given to the needs of children and young people. The first intervention concerned the area in front of the school which was pedestrianized, thus making the entry and exit of pupils safer and more pleasant, and equipped with ping-pong and picnic tables, wooden benches, bike racks and potted trees. Last week the area was colored by children, residents and volunteers with decorations inspired by a visual project by Marco Ortensi in collaboration with AMAT.

In via Sacco the sidewalk on the school side has been widened along the entire building. The intersection between via Sacco and via Seprio has been made safe, the length of the pedestrian crossings has been shortened to make them easier and the pedestrian space available to parents at the school entrance has been expanded.

The intervention did not reduce parking spaces; on the contrary, parking has been reorganized to protect trees and dissuade illegal parking of cars. Connected to these works is the creation of a cycle itinerary in via Sardegna created via two one-way cycle lanes and connected to the Bisceglie-Castello itinerary.

"Open" Piazza Sicilia thus connects the school, the nearby municipal library, and the park previously divided by the roundabout thanks also to facilitated pedestrian crossings. With the support and help of associations, citizens and the nearby library, the new spaces are manned and animated.

The Piazza Sicilia project was born from a request from citizens and associations as part of the public notice "Open squares in every neighborhood" promoted by the municipal administration with the aim of involving the territory in the regeneration and care of public space.

The intervention was carried out in collaboration with the Novaro Ferrucci parents' association, the Monteverdi parents' association, the Spazio Des Balance sports association, the Teatro Quattro association, the Walter Vinci ONLUS association, Residents in the area, Siram Veolia, Muba, Music Think tank, Metiss'art, Maga artistic skating, Family dance, Crédit Agricole, and Umberto Eco comprehensive institute. The project also includes the CambiaCi project with Siram Veolia and Muba which will bring a technological element capable of reducing the environmental impact chosen by children to the square.

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Updated: 27/10/2020