Social plan. Music, dance and games: the "Holidays in Milan" tent opens. The operations center for assistance to the most vulnerable people has been activated 

Social plan. Music, dance and games: the "Holidays in Milan" tent opens. The operations center for assistance to the most vulnerable people has been activated 

The tenants' committees of public housing are also involved in monitoring and reporting any difficult situations. Rabaiotti: “Collaboration between citizens and institutions is fundamental”

Milan, July 30 2019 – A single operations center in via San Tomaso to manage requests for intervention, various recreational activities and the traditional “Holidays in Milan” tent in Piazza del Cannone. The second phase of the Sociality Plan of the Municipality of Milan begins, which deals with monitoring and assisting the most fragile people who, thanks to the heat and the summer holidays of their families, may find themselves in difficulty or feel more alone.

This year the Department of Social and Housing Policies will also involve the tenants' committees of public housing in the implementation of the plan. Councilor Gabriele Rabaiotti addressed the 78 committees of municipally owned houses managed by MM and the 23 self-management bodies directly with a letter proposing closer collaboration in monitoring the most fragile people living in public housing complexes in order to report any difficult situations to encourage timely intervention by local social services. The same communication was addressed to the tenant committees of ALER houses. The plan's recreational activities program is also attached to the letter.

“We believe very much - declares the councilor for social and housing policies Gabriele Rabaiotti - in the virtuous collaboration between citizens and institutions for the success of the social plan which this year will see a much stronger awareness-raising action in public housing, where concentrate the most vulnerable segments of the population. The one implemented by the Municipality of Milan is one of the most robust plans against loneliness and for sociality implemented in Italy, with the involvement of over a thousand public and private operators".

Everything is also ready for "Holidays in Milan" in Piazza del Cannone, where the traditional tent dedicated to those who will spend the summer in the city has been set up. Music, dancing, card tournaments, cabaret, poetry competitions and prize games are some of the activities that will be organized on the 450 meter wide track until September 1st, from 15pm to 23pm.

An operations center will be set up in via San Tomaso which will coordinate home care. From here the social workers, operators and trainees of the Celav (Work Mediation Centre) included in the staff of the Department of Social and Housing Policies to contribute to the social plan will evaluate the requests and activate the necessary interventions. To request them just call the number 800 777 888 active from 8am to 19pm, seven days a week. During the first phase of the social plan, which started at the beginning of June, 4.524 services have already been provided, including the delivery of meals, support for home and personal care, accompaniment to medical visits and relationship support. This is a significant increase compared to the same period of the same year, when approximately three thousand services were requested and provided.

Il Comune rivolge inoltre un’attenzione particolare anche ai senza dimora che possono trovarsi in difficoltà a causa delle alte temperature. Oltre alle unità mobili notturne e diurne che il Comune mette in campo, in collaborazione con le associazioni del Terzo settore, per monitorare la situazione di chi rifiuta l’accoglienza nei centri, è attivo il numero 0288447646 per le segnalazioni da parte dei cittadini. Palazzo Marino è inoltre convenzionato con una decina di centri diurni attrezzati affinché chi non ha una casa possa avere un posto dove stare al fresco, usufruire dei servizi igienici, delle docce e mangiare.

This year too, in addition to home care, a series of social activities will be guaranteed to involve those who remain in the city during the summer. For example, thematic itineraries will be developed, guided tours (visit to Casa Boschi Di Stefano, botanical walks in Villa Lonati, tour through the parks with the GEV, navigation on the canals) and trips (to the Bardi Castle, Chiavenna, Castello di Varzi). Furthermore, a few hundred free entrances to the cinemas and swimming pools will be made available, lunches and various initiatives will be organized in collaboration with the social guardians service. 25 socio-recreational centers remain open also in August which, in addition to entertainment for the 15 thousand members, make places available for over 600 citizens for lunches, dinners, snacks and afternoons of dancing. Finally, milk and newspapers will be distributed every morning at the Department's headquarters (entrance from via Palermo).

Updated: 30/07/2019