PGT Milan 2030 - Update variant of hydrogeological aspects and related implementation rules of the Rules Plan

PGT Milan 2030 - Update variant of hydrogeological aspects and related implementation rules of the Rules Plan

On display at the Praetorian Notice Board from 13.04.2022 to 13.05.2022


Initiation of the procedure, pursuant to art. 13 of LR 11 March 2005 n. 12 and smi, of formation, of the proposed variation to the Rules Plan of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) having as its object the transposition of the "Variant to update the delimitation of the river bands of the excerpt Plan for the Hydrogeological Structure (PAI ) of the Po river basin” of the Seveso torrent with the subsequent updating of the hazard and risk maps of floodable areas of the PGRA, the modification of the art. 45, paragraph 3, of the implementation rules of the Plan of Rules and the reduction of the buffer zones of the watercourses of the minor water network within the Mind-post-Expo area and start of the related procedure for verifying eligibility for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) 

pursuant to art. 2 paragraph 5 of the Regional Law 11 March 2005 n. 12 “Law for the Government of the Territory” and subsequent amendments 

the Territorial Government Plan whose variant was approved with City Council Resolution no. 34 of 14/10/2019, which became effective on 05/02/2020 following the publication of the notice of definitive approval of the plan on the BURL Notices and Competitions Series n.6; 

that with resolution no. 427 of 01/04/2022, the Municipal Council approved the guidelines for starting the procedure, pursuant to art. 13 of LR 11 March 2005 n. 12 and smi, of formation, of the proposed variation to the Rules Plan of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) having as its object the transposition of the "Variant to update the delimitation of the river bands of the excerpt Plan for the Hydrogeological Structure (PAI ) of the Po river basin” of the Seveso torrent with the subsequent updating of the hazard and risk maps of floodable areas of the PGRA, the modification of the art. 45, paragraph 3, of the implementation rules of the Plan of Rules and the reduction of the buffer zones of the watercourses of the minor water network within the Mind-post-Expo area and start of the related procedure for verifying eligibility for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) 2 

that the procedure for the variation to the Plan of Rules of the current Territorial Government Plan (PGT) has been started, having as its object the implementation of the "Variant to update the delimitation of the river bands of the excerpt Plan for the Hydrogeological Structure (PAI) of the basin of the Po river" of the Seveso torrent with the subsequent updating of the hazard and risk maps of floodable areas of the PGRA, the modification of the art. 45, paragraph 3, of the implementation rules of the Plan of Rules and the reduction of the buffer zones of the watercourses of the minor water network within the Mind-post-Expo area and start of the related procedure for verifying eligibility for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA); 

is anyone who is interested, also for the protection of widespread interests, can present suggestions and proposals in this regard within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice. 
Suggestions and/or proposals, including any accompanying graphics, must be sent via certified email to the following address: 
by May 13, 2022.

This notice is published on the noticeboard, on the municipal website, on the BURL and in a national newspaper. 

The Interim Director of the Area 
General Urban Planning 
Arch. Simona Collarini 
(digitally photographed)

Published on: 13/04/2022