Collaboration agreements. New pact for the revitalization of Piazza P. Mattarella and work on the "Tunnel boulevard" will start tomorrow with councilor Romani

Collaboration agreements. New pact for the revitalization of Piazza P. Mattarella and work on the "Tunnel boulevard" will start tomorrow with councilor Romani

Citizen participation at the center of neighborhood redemption actions
Milan, November 19 2021 – Following the signing of the "Tunnel boulevard" Pact, a collaboration agreement signed last October 1st between the Municipality of Milan, institutions, local entities and inhabitants of the neighborhood to transform the tunnel in via Pontano into the first public art gallery, we get to the heart of the redevelopment and revitalization activities, with the participation of the councilor for civic and general services Gaia Romani.

We start this weekend, Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 November, to continue next weekend, with works of cleaning, coloring and poster art by Pablo Compagnucci in the railway underpass in Via Padova, thanks to the support of the Lacittàintorno program of Fondazione Cariplo and the collaboration of Mapei, Yume, Fineco bank, Litoart, under the direction of the Municipality of Milan, Metropolitana Milanese and A2A.

The goal is to give an identity to places that lack one, through urban art and social design, and transform a simple gallery into a space where citizen participation and creativity meet. The protagonists will be the volunteers, recruited through a project promoted by the municipal administration and the Ciessevi Association.

Also as part of the Municipality's "Open Squares" program, today, Friday 19 November, the collaboration agreements with the amateur sports club Playmore were signed! for the revitalization of Piazza Piersanti Mattarella.

The project involves the promotion of sporting and recreational activities and initiatives aimed at developing civic sense and education in the care of common goods. The program will, in fact, be developed through a participatory process, with the involvement of citizens and organizations in the neighborhood, in order to also encourage the inclusion of more fragile subjects.

The objective is to make the square a place where people actively participate in the life of the neighborhood, promote education on legality and urban coexistence, reinforce a new and stronger sense of belonging to the territory, spread culture and knowledge of issues that concern environmental sustainability and new opportunities for participation, aggregation and meeting between the inhabitants of the area are created.

"Initiatives like these – comments the councilor for Civic Services with responsibility for Participation Gaia Romani – serve to promote civic sense and stimulate the participation of citizens. People who, through art and sport, find opportunities to be together and, at the same time, to be protagonists of redemption actions for their neighborhoods. These are moments of leisure but also of personal enrichment and of an entire community, with the promotion of healthy and positive values ​​such as commitment and care for the common good".

Updated: 19/11/2021