Participation. The new Regulation for the implementation of participation rights was presented. The collection of observations will begin from today to July 3rd

Participation. The new Regulation for the implementation of participation rights was presented. The collection of observations will begin from today to July 3rd

Lipparini: "We promote a new working method that innovates the relationship between citizens and the Municipality through a shared administration model"

Milan, June 3 2021 – Administration and citizens collaborating on an equal footing, respecting their roles, through mutual listening and sharing of knowledge and critical issues. The new Regulation for the implementation of participation rights that the Municipality of Milan intends to adopt by the end of this mandate is based on these principles, inaugurating a new working method. The text of the provision was approved by the Council on 28 May and will continue its process with the citizen consultation which starts today, the opinion of the municipalities, a new presentation in the Council Commission and, to conclude, the debate in the City Council before the final green light.

The central moment of this process will be the direct participation of citizens who, from now until 3 July, will be able to consult the text on the Milano Partecipa online platform and insert observations and proposed amendments ( -participation-regulation). Anyone over the age of 16, residents or domiciled in Milan, Italian and foreign citizens, even with only a residence permit, and city users who frequent the city for study or work reasons can participate. Identification occurs with the SPID system or with the procedure dedicated to those who cannot activate it.

The new Regulation was illustrated today by the councilor for Participation, Active Citizenship and Open Data, Lorenzo Lipparini and by two experts in mediation and public participation processes: the sociologist Sergio De La Pierre and the professor of Urban Ethnography Marianella Sclavi, with the technical collaboration with the RCM Foundation.

"The many participation experiences carried out during the mandate - explained councilor Lipparini - are today transferred into new procedures that establish advanced principles and standards available to the Administration and citizens who wish to activate participatory paths. This is of tools of deliberative democracy resulting from experiments carried out and work on existing best practices at a national and international level, which innovate relationships between citizens and institutions by offering a new model of shared administration based on the culture of participation".

There are four main institutes proposed.

Public investigation
Alongside the traditional institution of popular initiative deliberation, citizens can enter into dialogue with the City Council through this participatory process, which has as its object some provisions falling within the competence of the City Council, pursuant to art. 42 of the Tuel, with the exclusion of the annual and three-year forecast budget with its annexes. The investigation develops and directs towards these measures the procedural model already in force for the PGT pursuant to LR Lombardia n. 12/2005 “Law for the government of the territory”, with some variations and simplifications.

Public debate
Used on the subject of urban works, environment and services: the discipline of public debate already typified by the art can be applied to works of municipal interest. 22 of the Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree no. 50/2016); furthermore, with this institute it will be possible to activate forms of global urban co-planning, with attention also to territorial services.

Citizens' Convention
This institution combines in itself the object and functions of both public investigation and public debate, with the fundamental difference that the subject called to participate is not the population as a whole, but a sample conceived using appropriate statistical criteria and composed of citizens selected with a random procedure.

Participatory budgeting
The Municipality of Milan has created two editions of this institute, in 2015 and 2017, and here its discipline is consolidated also in light of the experiences carried out. In summary, this institute offers citizens the possibility of formulating urban regeneration projects ranging from public works to services, within budget limits established by the Administration. The projects are proposed, evaluated and chosen by the citizens themselves through a public competitive procedure.

On a methodological level, there are five principles that regulate the process of involving citizens: transparency, accessibility, dialogue, inclusion and accountability.

Transparency: in order to prevent cognitive asymmetries that would alter the formation of valid opinions and balanced assessments, all relevant information is made public and available in analogue and digital modes to fuel knowledge; the citizens themselves can contribute by attaching useful materials to the observations presented.

WEB accessibility: to guarantee maximum functionality, the operating rules of the participatory process are made public by the Administration, with appropriate advance notice, in a document called "Participation Agreement" with the citizens;

Dialogue: all the processes described have the aim of giving life, in a spirit of mutual learning, to an in-depth civic dialogue, aimed at multiplying options and searching for solutions;

Inclusion: all contributions made are presented for discussion unless they give expression to insults or messages of hatred, threats and/or contempt for constitutional values;

Statement: all contributions receive evaluation by the Municipality of Milan, also in aggregate form based on thematic affinity, and all results are given adequate publicity.

Updated: 04/06/2021