Participation. Municipality 2, two collaboration agreements signed for the regeneration of Parco Adriano and the small square in via dei Transiti

Participation. Municipality 2, two collaboration agreements signed for the regeneration of Parco Adriano and the small square in via dei Transiti

Councilor Romani: "We give back spaces to the community through cultural initiatives, games, readings, care for greenery and culture of sustainability" - Photo gallery

Milan, March 8 2022 – Piazzetta di via dei Transiti and Parco Adriano are the protagonists of two collaboration agreements signed by Municipality 2 and various local associations.  
Both fall within the framework of "Luoghicomuni", the action of the "The city around" program of the Cariplo Foundation, promoted by the municipal administration to stimulate the participation of active citizens in projects to enhance the most peripheral areas, managed by the Labsus and Italia associations our.

Two agreements that aim to improve areas that are currently abandoned and devoid of identity, to return them to citizens through culture, games, entertainment, care for greenery and new street furniture, with the involvement of not only families but also schools .

The small square in via dei Transiti, squeezed between via Padova and viale Monza, is preparing to become a space for connection and meeting from a simple place of passage. The signatories of the Pact, the associations Nolo4kids, Fas, Reteambiente Milano Legambiente, Para Todos, Atelier Spazio also art exhibitions, multicultural and aggregative events, workshops and a bookcrossing station.

"Tana - A pact for Adriano Park" is, however, the agreement that involves a green area planted by the children of the school in via San Mamete inside the park of the same name. The first operation, launched collectively by Tempo per l'infanzia, APIS arti per l'innovation sociale, Caracol, Ditta gioco faaba, the ACLI club La gobba and the active citizen Giovanni Bianchi, will involve the organization of a contest open to the neighborhood for stimulate creative thinking on furnishings, the organization of an open-air cinema with low environmental impact, theatrical and animated shows, readings, workshops and moments of free play.

"Collaborations like these – comments the councilor responsible for Participation Gaia Romani – are fundamental. And not only because they represent the essence of activism and active participation of citizens and associative networks who demonstrate that they have the common good at heart, but because they are real actions of redemption for our neighborhoods. Entire areas, now abandoned, are returned to the community and are preparing to welcome cultural initiatives, games, readings and to promote the care of greenery and the culture of sustainability".

"With yesterday's signatures, there are now 14 collaboration agreements stipulated in our Municipality – states the President of Municipality 2 Simone Locatelli –. We think that they play a crucial role because they allow us to create communities around the desire to take care of their own territory. In in particular, the one due to Transit represents an important challenge because, by bringing together people and associations from the neighbourhood, it will make what is today considered a black hole in the neighbourhood, used only in passing and poorly frequented, liveable and liveable".

Small square in via dei Transiti

Updated: 10/03/2022