Participation. 7.500 respond to the Municipality's environment and climate questionnaire

Participation. 7.500 respond to the Municipality's environment and climate questionnaire

Lipparini: “The Milanese care about the environment and are willing to do their part to have a city that is more attentive to climate change, capable of implementing virtuous behaviors and a sustainable and supportive lifestyle”. Home, food, travel and mobility, consumption and waste management are the topics addressed

Milan, October 6 2020 – More than 7.500 Milanese responded to the questionnaire on the environment and climate change published on the website of the Municipality of Milan in mid-July. Five weeks of consultation, until the beginning of September, on the topics of home, food, travel and mobility, consumption and waste management. The first result, the most evident, is that 9 out of 10 citizens say they are worried about climate change. One in five is very worried about it. An awareness formed on what has been experienced in recent years and which - already today - pushes the Milanese to implement good practices by carrying out separate waste collection (99%), using public transport (60%) and cycling (15,2 %, of which 2,3% in sharing) and reducing food waste (83,5%). However, citizens not only received responses but also proposals and requests: encouraging the collection of returnable waste for glass and plastic; stimulate and incentivize the renewal of the building stock; promote the circular economy and reuse to reduce waste; extend cycle paths to allow sustainable mobility.

Today at Palazzo Marino, the councilor for Participation, Active Citizenship and Open Data, Lorenzo Lipparini presented the analysis of the responses to the questionnaire: “The people of Milan participated in large numbers in this new public consultation. An in-depth but effective questionnaire in revealing knowledge and attention to environmental issues. The result was very satisfactory in terms of number of contacts, around 10.000, with over 7.500 questionnaires completed in each part. Certainly – continued Lipparini – the Milanese care about the environment and are willing to do their part to have a city that addresses the problem of climate change by implementing virtuous behaviors and a sustainable and supportive lifestyle. The questionnaire proposed to the people of Milan is the first step of a complex participation process which will lead, through various moments of sharing with the city, to the adoption of the Air and Climate Plan".

What is the Air Climate Plan
On 4 October 2019 with Resolution no. 1653, the municipal council approved the guidelines for starting the process of developing the Air and Climate Plan, a tool aimed at reducing air pollution, protecting health and the environment, and responding to the climate emergency.

What objectives does the Air-Climate Plan set?
The Plan aims to achieve three objectives:

  • fall within the limit values ​​of the concentrations of air pollutants PM10 and NOx (fine particles and nitrogen oxides) set by Directive 2008/50/EC (implemented by Legislative Decree 155/2010 and subsequent amendments) to protect public health;
  • reduce CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions by 45% by 2030 and become a carbon neutral city by 2050;
  • contribute to limiting the local increase in urban temperature to within 2°C.

The effectiveness of the Plan is strongly linked to the individual action of each individual citizen. Only everyone's collaboration will be able to lead to lifestyle changes aimed at reducing pollution, use of resources and waste production.

Citizens, organizations and companies can make their contribution by visiting the page Air climate plan.
On the same page it will be possible to download thecomplete analysis with all the data.

Updated: 06/10/2020