Palazzo Marino. The neighborhood notice has been published, proposals by July 1st

Palazzo Marino. The neighborhood notice has been published, proposals by July 1st

Milan, June 4 2019 – Urban regeneration, was published on call for neighborhoods 2019, which will remain open until 12pm on July 1st, dedicated to strengthening activities and services aimed at inhabitants with projects that involve local networks and support citizens' organisations. 
It is open to the participation of foundations, non-profit organisations, tenant committees (if established as an association), voluntary associations, social, sporting, cultural, food policy and environmental sustainability promotion associations, both on an individual basis and in partnership forms. The areas of reference are extended to involve the entire city, including the historic center area: participants will therefore be able to apply with projects that focus on one of the 9 municipalities into which the city is divided and which must be linked to specific themes also chosen through the involvement of municipalities. 

The Administration's contribution will be equal to one million euros, and each selected project will be able to obtain co-financing of up to forty thousand euros. The time for carrying out the activities is the period between September this year and the end of June 2020.
Requests for contributions must be made exclusively by completing the online form available at the following links:

- For the request in individual form

- For the request in form of partnership

Updated: 12/07/2019