Palazzo Marino. #MilanoAiutaUkraine, the fundraising of the Municipality and Fondazione Comunità Milano is open

Palazzo Marino. #MilanoAiutaUkraine, the fundraising of the Municipality and Fondazione Comunità Milano is open

From the Municipality a handbook with information for those arriving in Italy and for citizens who want to contribute

Milan, March 11 2022 – The Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with Fondazione di Comunità Milano ONLUS, has opened the #MilanoAiutaUkraine Fund aimed at collecting donations that will be used to support aid and reception projects for the Ukrainian population who have arrived in the city to escape the war.

The Fund is open to the economic participation of individual citizens, businesses and associations who wish to make their contribution. Any person or entity will therefore be able to make donations to the Milan Community Foundation, allocating them to #MilanoAiutaUkraine through the website

For payments it is also possible to use the account in the name of the Community Foundation of Milan city, South West, South East and Adda Martesana, with IBAN IT18Y0306909606100000162571 and causal"Fondo #MilanoAiutaUkraine".

Fondazione di Comunità Milano, Municipality of Milan, Metropolitan City and Civil Protection will form the inter-institutional coordination with guidance functions regarding the methods of selecting the projects to be supported and the destination of the donations.

"In such a complicated moment for Europe and its citizens - declares the Mayor Giuseppe Sala - Milan wants to do its part to help the Ukrainian people. The Administration has organised, under the coordination of the Prefecture, to guarantee the welcome and respond to the first needs and the activation of this Fund aims to be a way to intercept and channel the generosity of the Milanese towards support projects for those who, in the coming weeks, will be welcomed into our city, in line with the Ambrosian spirit of solidarity" .

It is important to remember that donations are deductible for natural persons to the extent of 30% of the costs incurred by the taxpayer or deductible from the total net income within the limit of 10% of the declared income.

Thanks to coordination with the Prefecture, Police Headquarters, third sector institutions and associations, the Municipality of Milan is simultaneously implementing a series of actions to better welcome the refugees arriving in the city. All information on how to register at the Consulate, at the police headquarters, regarding the procedures and health checks and the request for accommodation is contained in a handbook, written in Italian and translated into Ukrainian, which will be available on the website of the Municipality of Milan.

First information and welcome
For those arriving at the Central Station, the Civil Protection has activated an information point where the first useful information is provided to those who already have a place to go and to those who need to find temporary accommodation. For the latter, the Civil Protection is also taking care, if necessary, of transport to the Bresso hub set up by the Red Cross where they will be welcomed.

People who need to be accommodated must contact the regional operations center on the toll-free number 800 894545 and provide information relating to the family unit to be welcomed. Reception management will then be ensured by the competent Lombard Prefectures.

Since last week, the first refugees have also been welcomed in the municipal structure of Casa Jannacci. From this week an emergency channel is active on the number 02.02.02 to which operators who can provide information on reception, support networks regarding food, basic necessities, clothing and guide those who want to make accommodation available for families respond. Anyone who is available to welcome refugees into their home can register on the platform Those who have empty apartments available can report it by sending an email to The Ambrosian Caritas is also promoting the collection of housing availability in the network of parishes of the diocese of Milan. To register, you can write to

Food and essential goods collections
To support families hosted in Milan, the Municipality is also activating a collection of non-perishable goods through the food hubs. Without prejudice to the preference for financial donations, for companies and individuals who wish to contribute with non-perishable food goods and basic necessities, excluding clothing, a guide has been developed with indications on the types permitted, on the methods of packaging the parcels and Public delivery locations on the site By writing to the postal address further availability of places suitable for receiving donations may be indicated, subject to verification of the adequacy of the spaces.

Unaccompanied minors
In recent days, thanks also to the continuous discussion with the Juvenile Court and the local school office, the municipal administration is collecting all the information regarding the reception of minors and that to be given to the families who are already hosting them, arranging ordinary and extraordinary services to welcome girls and boys in the city's schools.

For minors not accompanied by a parent, their arrival must always be reported to the Juvenile Court at the email address However, in the case of minors with relatives residing in Italy, the latter will be able to submit the application for the appointment of a guardian directly to the Juvenile Court.

School placement
On the school front, for boys and girls aged 0 to 6, for whom services are organized directly by our Municipality, both places already available and specific projects are being identified. During these days, officials and employees will be trained to in turn give all the necessary support and information to families and to know the procedures that will accompany the entry of children into educational services. To report requests relating to children aged 0 to 6 in the Milan area, it will always be possible to call the number 02.02.02, where useful information will be collected to be sent to the Education and Instruction offices, or write to or, again, connect to the Municipality website in the dedicated education section.

For children and young people aged 6 and over, whose reception within schools will be managed by the provincial school office through the Start centres, the Municipality of Milan has already indicated its willingness to promote inclusion paths by making educational services available, language support and scholastic and extracurricular experiences. Various availability then arrived from professionals and associations for psychological support with whom the possibility of immediate collaboration is being studied.

Updated: 15/03/2022