Palazzo Marino. “On the pitch with my heart” donates a new defibrillator, Parco Sempione doubles its cardio protection

Palazzo Marino. “On the pitch with my heart” donates a new defibrillator, Parco Sempione doubles its cardio protection

Thanks to the collaboration between the Municipality and the association, two lifesavers were also installed at the Sforzesco Castle

Milan, June 20 2019 – Sempione Park doubles its cardio protection: a new defibrillator donated by the “In campo con il cuore” association brings to two the life-saving machines available to visitors of the first city park. The donation took place today in the presence of the president of the city council Lamberto Bertolé and the green councilor Pierfrancesco Maran.

The new defibrillator arrives a few days after the installation of two cardio stimulators at the Sforzesco Castle for the safety of the many museum goers.

The latest generation defibrillator totems by Iredeem, monitored and remotely controlled, are located in the central area of ​​the park and near the Arch of Peace. In the lower part of the totem the graphic retraces the maneuver phases of cardiopulmonary rescue in Italian and English drawn up with the collaboration of AREU 118 Lombardia.

To date, over thirty defibrillators have been donated to the city and placed in schools and museums.

“We believe in the importance of increasing the provision of these tools in public offices and in the places most frequented by citizens – said President Bertolé and Councilor Maran -. The culture of first aid must be promoted and spread because it can make a difference."

“We are proud to contribute to making Milan increasingly cardio-protected and in particular the large places of attendance such as Sempione Park – added the President of the On the field with the heart association Gianfranco Fasan -. Thanks to our first remote-controlled defibrillator donated to the Park in 2018, it made it possible to save the life of a boy who went into cardiac arrest here."

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Updated: 20/06/2019